Accidents Module Set Up




1. Reference Files

More>>Reference Files>>Incidents>>Accidents

These references are used when creating an accident record and in accident reporting


1.1  Accident Categories

These are accident classifications as may be required by your organisation.

Example: Major, Minor, At Fault, Over $2000 damage, Written Off


They should reflect how you wish to report on accidents.  Only one category can be selected per accident.


1.2  Road/Traffic/Weather Conditions

Enter as required for creating accident records



Road Conditions

Traffic Conditions

Weather Conditions


2.  Parameters


There are no parameters related to Accidents module.


3.  Other


In the Supplier reference file:

Include repairers and flag them as "Accident Repairer" in order to add repair quotes and select repairers in accident records.

Include insurers and flag them as "Insurance" to add the insurer in accident records.


End of Chapter




































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