Hire Bookings FAQs




1.  How do Hire charges work?


Hire booking charges are calculated using "Hire Profiles". These are created in More>>Reference Files>>Hire>>Profiles







A Profile consists of:

The charges that are to apply (e.g. by km, hour etc)

The booking availability times: the days/times when bookings are allowed e.g. 24/7, weekdays only

The days/times when charges accrue during the booking e.g. 24/7, 9am-5pm Monday-Friday

Each Profile is attached to a "Hire Vehicle Type".

The Type describes the item for people making bookings   Type names are best if they reflect the name by which drivers might search  E.g. small car, ute, bus, major plant, executive vehicle.

A Hire Vehicle Type must be allocated to every item available for hire

When a Hire Vehicle Type is attached to an asset, the corresponding Hire Profile is applied and charges are calculated in accordance with that Profile

The default profile can be changed for specific items if required (Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>MMSB). This allows a unique profile to be used for a specific asset while reducing data entry overall.

The benefits of this method include:

Users find suitable items easily by searching for the required "Hire Vehicle Type"

Charges are applied automatically meaning less data entry and potential errors

Changing a Profile automatically updates all items using that Profile (existing bookings are not changed, avoiding price changes for current bookings)


See also: Hire Booking Module Set Up

2.  Why is a hire item not appearing in the list for hire?

Check the following:

Is the Hire flag ticked?

Is the same hire pool assigned to the user and the vehicle?

Is the item disposed?

Is the list filtered?


3.  When I try to change my hire booking it says "Please check for availability".

Hire items may not be available at all times and/or on all days - this is determined by the availability times in the Hire Profile (Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>MMSB)

Profiles are configured in Hire Reference Files (More>>Reference Files>>Hire>>Profiles)

An item may also be unavailable at a specific time due to maintenance or accident. AusFleet allows Accidents and R&M modules to be linked to Hire to prevent booking of unavailable assets

Double bookings/overlaps are not allowed


4.  Why can't I change a hire booking in the calendar?  The message says "Check booking status".

Only Bookings with status "Booked" can be edited.

Any that are "Pending" (awaiting manager approval), "Active" (current, past start date/time) or Closed (past the end date/time, vehicle returned) )cannot be modified. 

When a "Pending" booking is approved the status will change to "Booked" and the changes can be made (subject to availability etc).

Check the hire transactions list to see the status and approve is necessary.















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