Hire Bookings Module Set Up




1.  Introduction


Hire requires a reasonable degree of set up if you charge for bookings.


Charges can be levied in various ways (combinations of flat rate, km, time and based on length of booking).

Charges are controlled using "Hire Profiles" which include a charge regime and availability times.


Recommended order to complete Hire References

1.Hire Profiles

2.Hire Vehicle Types

3.Others in any order


2.  Hire Reference Files

Reference Files>>Hire



Standard vehicle locations e.g. Depot, Head office, Brisbane Office, Domestic Terminal, Interstate. 

For information only e.g. to assist booking approvals.  Assumes vehicle is returned to normal location for next booking

If not required, create "Not applicable" in Reference File and set as the default in More>>Parameters>>Default Value 320

Hire Pool

Classifies assets into "pools" for administrative purposes

Drivers and Pool Administrators can only see, manage and book assets in their own pools

Pools are allocated to users and Pool Administrators are created in Personnel module

Pools are allocated to assets when ticking the "Available for Hire" flag in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>Flags

Hire Profile


A combination of availability times and charges.

Availability times control when bookings can be made. E.g. weekday only availability will prevent bookings that include weekend days

Profile are attached via a Hire Vehicle Type (see below), making it easier to apply the same profile to different types of vehicle

All Hire assets have a Profile attached in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>Flags

Hire Vehicle Type (HVT)


Vehicle classification to help drivers find appropriate hire vehicles  e.g. passenger sedan, light commercial, ute, executive car

Each HVT is linked to a default Hire Profile to apply charges and availability times. The default can be changed for individual vehicles

Linked to a fleet item in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>MMSB

Open Ended Bookings (OEBs)

Bookings created without an end date.  Usually long term bookings.

Charged only by a flat monthly charge with availability at all times.

Hire Profiles for OEB's must have the    flag ticked

Hire Unavailable Reasons

Used to make assets temporarily unavailable for hire e.g. under repair

Use More>>Parameters>>Flags and Settings 760  to control whether assets are unavailable for bookings when R&M jobs are scheduled

"Accident" and "Workshop/Maintenance" are system files and cannot be edited. When these are selected in hire calendar, a corresponding reference number can be entered

Administrators can make assets unavailable manually in the calendar

Job Numbers

Hire charges can be allocated and apportioned across multiple Job Numbers and Debtors

Purpose of Trip

These can be selected when making a booking and can help in booking approvals and reporting

Examples are: Personal use, business use, training course, field trip, site visit, meeting, project management etc


3.  How Hire Profiles Link to Hire Vehicle Types

Hire Profiles and Hire Vehicle Types work together to simplify booking and charging.


Hire Vehicle Types

These describe the asset in a way that helps drivers identify the type of vehicle they need. E.g. "Sedans", "Utes" and "Station Wagons".  Drivers search for these vehicle types when booking. Each Hire Vehicle Type is connected to a Hire Profile


Hire Vehicle Type

Hire Profile



E.g. Car, Bus, Loader


Charges & Availability

Hire Profiles

These contain the times/days that assets are available for hire and the charges that apply to bookings.

Each Hire Vehicle Type is connected to a Hire Profile

Drivers search for the Hire Vehicle Type they need E.g. Minibus. When they book the actual vehicle, the charges in the related Hire Profile are applied.

Open Ended Bookings

Tick the "Open Ended" flag in the profile details to make a Profile available for OEBs.

OEB Profiles can only be used for OEBs.

Only a Monthly Hire Charge can be entered and availability is set to all days/times

Editing Profiles

If an existing profile is changed, the change is applied to future bookings for all items using that Profile.  Current bookings are unaffected.

Suppressing Profiles

Stops Profiles being applied to vehicles but vehicles currently using the Profile are not affected.


4.  Creating Hire Profiles

More>>Reference Files>>Hire>>Hire Profile


Hire Profile Reference File


5.  Creating Hire Vehicle Types 

More>>Reference Files>>Hire>>Hire Vehicle Type


Create Hire Vehicle Types to describe assets in ways that drivers will search when making bookings.

 The HVT for assets appears in Fleet>>MMSB Categories & Flags


Each HVT is linked to a Hire Profile which determines availability and charges. This default Profile may be changed for individual items in Fleet>>MMSB Categories & Flags


Different HVTs can share the same Profile E.g. "Small car" and "Large car" may have the same booking charges but having different HVTs makes it easier for drivers to find a suitable car.


If a linked Profile is changed using the Edit button, the change applies to all future bookings but does not affect existing ones.



Bus, Small Car, Large Car, 1.5T Ute, Plant, Power Tools etc.


Hire Vehicle Type Reference File


Hire Details in Fleet module (MMSB accordion)


6. Parameters

More>>Parameters>>Flags and Settings


These settings have tool tips which explain how each operates. Review each and set as per your organisation's preference.


More>>Parameters>>Default Values


360:          Sets the time that the Hire Calendar display will start

361:          Of particular importance to Key Cabinet users.  Sets the number of minutes that vehicles can be collected prior to booked time.


7. User Rights

More>>Users Rights


Hire module offers unlimited user access to certain functions without affecting licence fees.

Access is granted based on specific user rights being allocated to drivers.


For more details, refer to the User Rights chapter.


8.  Templates



These templates relate to Hire module:



9.  Others


9.1 Key Cabinet Settings

More>>Parameters>>Default Values

If AusFleet's KMAAS Key Cabinet Interface is used, the following settings are also required.

These will normally be set by Ausfleet during interface deployment.


Seek advice from AusFleet Support before changing any of these settings.


9.2 Personnel Flags That Affect Hire Module


In the Personnel Module, there are several flags that control how users can access and use Hire module.


Pool access: Drivers can only book items and Administrators can only manage bookings/items in their allocated Pools

Bookings for others: Some drivers may be given permission to make bookings on behalf of others e.g. team leaders, managers. In this case they can choose the driver when making a booking


"Types" Settings in Personnel Module


Hire Pool Allocation in Personnel Module




































End of Chapter




































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