1. Introduction
Before use, please review the module Set Up details.
Personnel module can record any staff in your organisation but particularly:
•AusFleet users
•Tradespeople e.g. mechanics
•Workshop supervisors
•Pool car administrators
•Anyone who wants to use pool vehicles or other assets for hire
•Anyone who is allocated a company vehicle
The flags below are important or allocating roles and responsibilities to personnel recorded in AusFleet.
They ensure only the right people appear in menus for selection (e.g. mechanics when adding timesheets) and/or control what they can do in AusFleet (e.g. adding logs for other people)
Personnel Flags
2. Adding Personnel
or use the icon
•Using the icon allows a user to be added with minimum required information. Further details can be entered after saving this core information.
•The "Add" option on the menu bar allows additional information to be entered
Add Personnel Screen
For more information about User Rights and Maximum Licensed User Count:
Non-Licensed User Rights
User Rights and Groups
3. Adding Additional Information
After saving the details above, more information can be added.
3.1 Tabs
See logs
•A record of logs entered in relation to the person
•Logs are added using the Logs module, Fleet module (Fleet>>Odometer accordion) or Quick Task icon
•View, allocate and retract Domain access
•Record policies applying to the person e.g. HS&E policy, fair use policy etc.
•Enter the policy name, document name, policy registration number and date
•Tick to confirm Received
Hire Pool
•Add and amend Hire Pool allocation. People only see vehicles in Hire module/App that are in the Pools they are allocated
•View and upload Documents related to the person
•Requires Documents module
3.2 Accordions
Alternative address
•Enter alternative address if required e.g. postal address, work address, interstate address
•Address "Types" in the menu are controlled by reference file More>>Reference Files>>Personnel>>Address types
Licenses, Trades and Qualifications
•Enter for reference purposes to assist with task/vehicle allocation etc.
•Allocate User Right 80.04 to people to generate notifications to update licence details when they log on. Users will be asked to update licence details if licence number is missing or expiry date is missing/incorrect format, due within 15 days or expired
Vehicle Allocation
•Make the person the driver/custodian of assets
•An asset can only have one driver at any time but one person can have multiple assets
•Enter an "Unallocation" date/time before allocating an new asset
•Assets which the person is responsible for based on the person and asset having the same cost centre
•Responsibilities do not allocate a driver to an asset; use Vehicle Allocation to set the driver/custodian
•By ticking Parameter 30 (and optionally number 40), assets with the same cost centre as the person appear here and access can be given to AusFleet Reports to report on ticked items in this list
•Useful for identifying team leaders or department heads who may have multiple assets within their teams
Cost Centres
•Personnel cost centre and debtor are used to invoice hire charges to the driver
•The hire income accrues to the asset
•See also "Responsibilities" above
•Add a photo of the person (jpg, png, gif)
•The photo is stored in the database. There is a limit on the size of the image file
4 Cancelling Access to AusFleet/Terminating Personnel
Tick the Suppress flag in the Personnel record
Enter a termination date in the Personnel record if they have left the organisation. This ticks the Suppress flag automatically.
5. Driving Licence Update Reminder
To remind personnel to update their driving licence details, allocate user right 80.04.
When logging on, users will receive a notification to update licence number and/or expiry date.
They then update details using the "Update Licence" icon
Right 80.04 does not affect your licensed user count i.e. allows unlimited access.
Notifications are generated:
•If the date/licence number is missing or date is incorrect format
•Expiry date is within 15 days
•Licence has expired
6. Employee Contribution/Payroll Data Import
Personnel>>Payroll Data Import
•Allows employee contribution amounts to be easily imported into AusFleet from payroll systems
•The transaction file can be created as a spreadsheet e.g. MS Excel but must be saved in csv format
After selecting the file, click to begin the import process. A message will confirm the results
Any records which fail processing are shown in a new log file with the failure reason(s)
This log file can be used to import remaining transactions after correcting the errors and deleting the columns containing the reasons
Imported values are displayed in:
Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Employee Contribution
Personnel>>Employee Contribution
End of Chapter