Personnel Module Set Up




1.  Reference Files

More>>Reference Files>>Personnel


1.1 Address Types

Multiple addresses may be entered for each person in Personnel module.

Enter the field labels for the address type you wish to save for each person.

Examples: Home, Work, Postal, Primary Work Location, Secondary Work Location


1.2 Policy Types

Personnel modules can record any applicable employment policies required or issued by your organisation.

Create the names of such policies here. They can then be selected for each person to confirm they have been issued.


Examples: Vehicle usage policy, safety requirements, safe driving policy, accident/breakdown policy, fair use policy, insurance policy, duty of care etc.


Note: When recording policies against personnel the option is present to upload and/or link to the actual document supplied/signed etc. (requires Documents module)


1.3 Licence & Qualification

If you wish to record personnel details relating to qualifications, driving licences, internal licenses, trades etc., create the various types here.


Tabs categorise the references into Driving Licence (state roads authority/statutory), internal licence types, WCA licence types and trades & qualifications.


The information can help when allocating staff to tasks and vehicles.


1.4 Contribution Types

Any financial contributions staff make towards vehicle running/purchase costs can be recorded in Personnel module.


In this reference file, enter any contribution type that you wish to record.

Contributions are recorded in Personnel>>Contributions tab where the amount is entered and the type is selected based on options from this reference file. 

These contributions could be sent/received from a a finance/personnel/payroll system via an interface.


Examples:  FBT charges, Parking Fees, Towing Fees, Fines,  Salary Sacrifice, Abuse Repair Costs, Pre Tax Contribution, Post Tax Contribution.


2.  Parameters

More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings Tab


There are two parameters related to Personnel.


Personnel Parameters


Parameter 30:


Parameter 1900:


3.  Other Settings/Options


3.1 Notifying Users to Update Driving Licence Information

If user right 80.04 is allocated to users (More>>User Rights), when logging on to AusFleet they will receive a notification that they must update their licence number and expiry date.

To do this, they use the "Update Licence" Quick Task icon 


Notifications appear when:

The date/licence number is missing or date is incorrect format

Expiry date is within 15 days

Licence has expired








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