



Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


1.  Introduction

Transactions>>Annual Renewals


The module allows renewals to be imported in bulk from csv files or manually entered for





Breakdown recovery (roadside assistance)


Other (e.g. pink slip)

Custom (e.g. Heavy vehicle inspection)


For Other and Custom, the renewal types are created in More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items>> Annual Renewals>>Other/Custom.

A renewal cost can be entered for each, with an effective date for when the cost applies from.

They can then be selected for appropriate assets.


When records are updated in the Annual Renewals module the information is also updated in Fleet>>Details>>Renewals Tab.


Renewal costs are accrued to the asset's debtor and can be invoiced to the debtor in the Invoicing module.


1.  Menu Options

Transactions>>Annual Renewals


2.  Entering Renewals Manually

Transactions>>Annual Renewals>>Batch


Manual transactions are added to an existing batch. 

If you do not have a suitable batch, create a new one by clicking "Add new record".


Locate and open a batch with the same Supply Type, Supplier and Renewal code

Click "Add new transaction", enter details and Save

Post the record on the batch and if it is suspended, amend details and repost


Click "Add new record", enter details and save.


2.1 Alternative Method

An alternative method for simple recording of start/end dates per fleet item is in Fleet>>Annual Renewals tab.

This alternative does not include transaction costs.


Entering a Transaction Manually


3.  Importing Renewal Transactions

Transactions>>Import Transactions>>Annual Renewals


Each file to be imported  must contain only one renewal type E.g. Insurance

The file format must not be changed

The header must be retained and not changed

The file must be a .csv.  (csv = comma separated values). These files can be opened and edited in Excel but must be saved as .csv.


Data that can be imported:



StartDate - date

ExpiryDate - date DD/MM/YYYY







Alpha Numeric




Number with 2 decimals and no $ symbol


A file template is available by clicking on the icon in the import window.


3.1 Import Process


Populate the csv file with all your renewals, following the rules above

Complete the fields in the window above

Click "Select Files" and locate the file or drag it into the window

Click "Upload files" when the button appears

Transactions will be scanned, validated and then posted or suspended automatically


A results summary appears on completion.

Review results  in Transactions>>Annual Renewals>>Batch

Correct any suspended files, amend the records and re-post. 


3.2 Validations


When importing, each record is checked for the following conditions before being posted.

Records which fail any ofn teh checks below are suspended.



Is registration included in file?

Fleet item exists

Is registration in AusFleet database?

Start and end date

Is the renewal date range included in file?


Is the cost zero or missing in file?

Duplicate transaction

Is there an existing transaction of the same renewal type with an expiry date equal or later than the new one?

Transaction Prior to Expiry

Is the transaction date less than or equal to the current "Paid To" date in AusFleet?













End of Chapter




































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