Annual Renewals Module Set Up




1.  Reference Files


Annual Renewals module does not have reference files but suppliers must to be entered in the Suppliers reference file and ticked as "Standing Charges" suppliers

(More>>Reference Files>>Suppliers>>Supplier details).


For more information on suppliers, see "Suppliers Set Up"


Supplier Details Reference File


2. Alternative "Simple" Renewals


An alternative, simpler renewals function is available in Fleet module (Fleet>>Renewals tab) which can be used if Renewals module is not licensed.


The simple version  records fewer details and offers manual entry only with no import function.


For the simple version, reference files are required and are explained in Fleet Module Set-Up chapter.


If the Annual Renewals module is used, it automatically updates details in Fleet>>Renewals tab when transactions are entered or imported.


2.  Parameters


There are no parameters for Annual Renewals


























End of Chapter




































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