Fleet Module Set Up




1.  Introduction


Although some of the fleet references are non-mandatory, they may still serve an important purpose.


Creating reference files at the start and populating those fields from the beginning can save a lot of time later if your needs change.


There are around twenty references but most are simple description-only.


Fleet references may be created in any order but if you wish to attach service regimes it is better to add those first.


2.  Reference Files


2.1 Annual Renewals

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Item


There are five renewal types and the subclasses can be entered for each e.g. Registration: NSW Car Business Use

These are then available for selection in Fleet>>Renewal tab where from/to dates can also be entered


If the Annual Renewals Module is used the tab in the fleet details is updated automatically when transactions are added or imported via the Annual Renewals module.


2.2 Copy Vehicle Preferences

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet


When adding a new fleet item, you may choose to copy many of the details from a similar, existing item to reduce data entry.


Choose which fields you wish to copy by ticking the boxes.

When you select the item to copy, the values in these fields will be copied to the new fleet item.

Any of the copied values can be overwritten in the new fleet item if they do not apply.


For any fields not selected for copying, the Default values in Parameters will be applied instead. Again these can be overwritten.


2.3 Disposal Method

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet


When disposing of fleet items, disposal method (e.g. auction, trade in, private sale) is mandatory.

Enter required description here.


2.4 Body Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


Enter the vehicle body types that apply to your fleet E.g. sedan, station wagon, grader, whipper-snipper, blower, mower.

"Not applicable" can be useful for some non-standard asset types


2.5 Charge Code

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


Each asset can be assigned a charge code in Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation Accordion.

This can then be used in internal R&M jobs for assigning costs and financial interfacing.


If an asset has a charge code it will default on internal R&M jobs but can be changed via a drop down menu.


To use Charge Codes....

1.Enter charge codes and descriptions in this reference file

2.Allocate charge codes to assets in Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation

3.When creating R&M jobs, the charge code will appear by default. Change it in the job if required (this does not change the default charge code assigned to the asset)


2.6 Drive Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


Enter the drive types as required by your fleet.


2.7 Fleet Category - Fleet Type - Vehicle Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


These are three general classifications to use to aid searching, filtering, reporting and analysis.

All are mandatory fields for all fleet items.


When populating these, the number of classifications should ensure that reporting is meaningful while reasonably reflecting your fleet diversity.

Business needs and reporting requirements will usually be the overriding factor in determining how to use these classifications.

E.g. utilisation reporting will want to separate different asset types for more meaningful comparison.


Fleet type is generally used as the key classification.



Fleet Type:

Light Fleet, Heavy Plant, Small Plant, Hand Tools.

Fleet Category:

Required for Job, Discretionary, Grounds Maintenance, Construction.

Vehicle Type:

Car, Bus, Plant & Equipment, Motorbike, Power Tools.


2.8 Fuel Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


More>>Reference Files>>Transactions>>Fuel


It can be accessed from both the fleet and fuel reference file chapters.


If supplier transactions are to be imported in AusFleet, there is a second fuel reference file to complete.

The explanation of both can be found in Fuel Module Set Up chapter.


2.9 Location (current)

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


Locations allow fleet items to be designated to, and transferred between physical or business locations.

E.g. A fleet item moves from Operational to Workshop to Awaiting Pick up and back to Operational across a 3 day period.


Some examples include Awaiting pick up, On Road, In Workshop, Out of Service or physical locations such as Head Office, Regional Office, Depot


Location is a filter on many reports and selection processes.  

Location change is prompted when closing Workshop jobs

It may also be changed using the Transfers option, Fleet details>>Transfers tab

Location transfers are audited and details are retained in the Audit trail.


2.10 Make/Model/Series (MMS)Regime

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


This is core to the system operation and drives the fleet database

An MMS is a Make Model Series E.g. Holden Commodore Equipe

A body type can also be selected in the fleet item details e.g. backhoe, sedan, motorcycle, chainsaw

Only Make and Model are mandatory


Recommended procedure:

1.Add all Makes

2.Select each Make and add the associated Models

3.Select Models and add associated Series

4.At one tier in each hierarchy, attach a service regime (regimes can also be linked in  Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Service Regimes)

5.New models/series can be attached to existing makes/models by selecting the existing record and adding the new tier

6.Redundant/out of date MMS's can be hidden from future use using the suppressed flag

7.Duplicates are not allowed


Note: The initial make/Model/Series/Regime reference file is created as part of AusFleet's data import service at system deployment and only needs to be managed on a ongoing basis when new assets are purchased or old hierarchies become obsolete (in which case suppress the relevant make, model or series)



For this Ford hierarchy, three regimes are applied. Place cursor over the red highlights for explanations.

If there is another model e.g. Focus, attached to Ford without any other regimes to Focus or series level, then all Ford Focus' would use the "Light Fleet 10000km/6 months" regime.



2.11 MMS Tree view


This provides  an alternative, easy to read, non-editable view of the hierarchies created using the above method.


2.12 Options/Accessories

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


This is a list of options/accessories that may be fitted to the item on purchase.

E.g. bull bar, tow bar, tinted windows, first aid kit, mats, metallic paint.


They can be added to the vehicle with a cost and "FBT applicable" flag, in the Price Breakdown screen.


Non standard flag indicates non-factory-fitted options.


2.13 Ownership Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


Indicates the ownership type e.g. leased, novated lease, finance lease, purchased, hire purchase etc


For any lease types, tick the "Leasing" flag so AusFleet can manage those vehicles accordingly E.g. preventing disposal if a lease is current.

Also, selecting an ownership type flagged here as "Leasing" gives access to the "Leasing" accordion in fleet details.


"Ex Lease" is a system reference and cannot be edited or deleted. It is used when an item is retained after lease expiry to retain access to lease details but exclude the item from lease reports.


2.14 Replacement Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


See Replacement Budget Forecast Module Set Up chapter.


2.15 Transmission

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items


Enter the vehicle transmission types as required by your fleet e.g. Automatic, Manual


2.16 Sale Condition

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet


When disposing of fleet items, sale condition (e.g. excellent, poor, scrap, fair) is mandatory.

Enter required descriptions here so they can be selected in the Fleet>>Status & Disposal tab.


The following references relate to Leasing.


Introduction to Lease Reference Files


Leasing can be used simply, entering data for reference only or used in a more structured way by creating lease types which contain standard components and pricing details.

The recommended order for completing Leasing references is:

Lease Components

Create components that make up various lease types

Lease Types

Create lease type e.g. finance, operational, each of which may contain the components created above

Lease Charge Types

Add prices for each lease component for each Lease Type and Lessor


Enter the Lessors you use. Link the Lease Types created earlier to each Lessor based on the products they supply.  Each can have different pricing per component

Activity Type

Used in Activity Based Costing but can be used to classify leases for other purposes.


How Lease Reference Files are Related


2.17 Lease Components

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Leasing

Enter the components you want to itemise in the lease details e.g. fuel, servicing, registration, tyres, admin fee, lease fee, FBT, management fee.

These components can then be allocated to different lease types to build packaged products.



2.18 Lease types

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Leasing

Enter your required lease types e.g. financial, operational, maintenance only, all inclusive.


2.19 Lease Charge Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Leasing

Here, you can enter standard charges for each lease component that were created at 2.16 above.


Then when entering lease details for a fleet item:

The chosen Lessor will determine available Lease Types (as per Lessor file below)

The Lease Type will automatically populate the components (as per Lease Type file at 2.17 above)

The charges for components will be automatically populated based on the Lease Charge Type selected


2.20 Lessors

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Leasing

Create Lessors with associated information as shown below.

Enter the Lease Types provided by the Lessor in the Lease Types tab.


2.21 Activity Type

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Leasing

Activity type is used in Activity Based Costing but can be used to classify leases for other purposes if required.

The Activity Type is selected when entering lease details for fleet items.


3. Parameters

More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings


The parameters below have tool tips which explain the use of each one. In AusFleet, place your cursor over each to see details.


More>>Parameters>>Default Values


The default values below will be used to populate fields when adding a new asset to the database, to help reduce data entry.

They can be changed if required and values from "Copy Vehicle Preferences" will take priority.



4.  Templates



The following templates relate to Fleet module.

Commissioning and decommission sheets and Vehicle Sale Invoice can be printed as pdf in Fleet>>Status & Disposals Tab


Status & Disposal Templates













End of Chapter




































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