Fleet FAQs




1.  How do I transfer the fleet, registration, asset, location, domain, debtor or cost centre?

Fleet>>Transfers Tab


Select the transfer type required.  Transfers are recorded in the audit trail.


Note that cost centre and debtor transfers will affect future invoices and cost accruals.


Transfer history for a fleet item is available in Fleet>>Transfer Audit tab.


2.  How do I allocate a driver to a fleet item?


Fleet>>Ownership and Allocation>>Item Allocation


Personnel>>Vehicle Allocation


A vehicle can only be allocated to one driver at a time but one driver may be allocated multiple vehicles.

To unallocate, use the Edit button in either the above screens and enter an unallocation date/time.


3.  Why is my fleet item not listed?

Check the correct Domain is selected at the top right of main screen ("Domain" displays only assets allocated to that Domain)

Check sort order of view (click on headings)

Check status of the item (is it disposed?)

Check column filters (funnel icon at top of column is orange when active)

If searching using the column funnel filters, try using "Contains" instead of "is equal to" (see below)

Check advanced filters that appear in some modules above the main list (see picture below)


Opening the Advanced Filter













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