For accurate service scheduling it is vital that jobs are closed when complete and that accurate odometers are recorded.


Closing a job triggers update of the service schedule.


1.  Can I charge different mark-ups and labour rates to different customers?


Yes, this is achieved using the "Debtor Type" reference file. Each debtor type can have a different set of charges to apply to jobs.


Create as many Debtor Types as required (More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Debtor Types)

For each Debtor Type, enter the labour rates and inventory mark-ups that are to apply - See Image 1

In the Debtor reference file  (More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Debtors), select the Debtor Type - See Image 2


Whenever a transaction is created for a Debtor that has a Debtor Type attached, the rates are applied

Where applicable, Debtor Type pricing overrides standard pricing (e.g. rates in Personnel/Inventory modules)


Debtor Type Reference File


Debtors Reference File


2.  Can I Track a Vehicle Through Different Areas/Workshops E.g. During Fit Outs?

Yes, using the "Location" field when closing a job.


Location is a fleet reference file and can be used for this purpose if the different workshops are entered as Locations.


When closing each job as the vehicle moves through the fit out/commissioning process, the new location can be selected in the "Close Job" window  for the next job if parameter 580 is ticked.

If a single job is used for all stages of the procedure, the field can be changed within the job details.

"Location" can be selected as a column in the job list (Repair & Maintenance>>Settings) so that the list can be filtered accordingly.


If "Location" is used in this way, it's a good idea to include "In Service" or multiple other locations in the reference file to be used when the vehicle exits the workshop and is returned to service.


















End of Chapter




































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