My Job App - Electronic Job Cards




1.  Introduction


The R&M Module will send internal job details to the My Job app for mechanics to use electronic job cards


A tablet with reasonable screen size is recommended instead of mobile phone for better clarity.


The App supports Android and iOS. User experience will differ slightly due to the different technologies and UI controls each system uses.


Features include:


Ability to temporarily stop work e.g. for breaks

Timesheets are automatically created in AusFleet whenever a job is started/stopped/finished

Ability to add parts, and tick parts/requirements as fitted/complete

Extensive job details

Estimated hours is shown from Kit Flat Rate time

Three MAC codes to help with R&M Analysis

Option to add comments

Option to add defects found

All details populate the job in AusFleet


2.  Set Up and Log In


1.Users must have an AusFleet log in name/password.

2.They require User Right 50.83 (More>>User Rights).  This is a non-licensed user right and will not affect your user count.


Ticking "Remember me" on the front screen avoids having to log on every time.


3. Sending Jobs to the App


When personnel are allocated to a job in AusFleet (Repair & Maintenance>>Job>>Personnel/Timesheets>>Personnel) the job appears in the app.

Only the people allocated to the job see it in their list.


The app includes jobs for the current day and the next day.  If a job is not finished on the first day, it moves to the next day.


My Job and R&M Calendar are linked, so any changes in the calendar are reflected in My Job.


4. Managing/Updating Jobs in the App


4.1 Starting/Finishing Jobs

Jobs are colour coded:


Job has not been started


Work has temporarily stopped e.g. lunch break


Job has been finished


Click "Stop Job" to stop work temporarily

Click "Finish Job" when all work is completed


When a job is finished it disappears from the app for the next day.


4.2 Timesheets

Whenever Stop Job and Finish Job are clicked, a timesheet is created for that period.

Timesheets can be seen in AusFleet>>Repair & Maintenance>>Job>>Personnel/Timesheets>>Timesheets.


4.3 Parts and Requirements

The parts and requirements lists allow the tradesperson to confirm which parts/requirements are fitted/complete.

This information flows to AusFleet and a Carried Forward job can be created for incomplete tasks/parts when closing the job (see Closing Jobs for more details)


Parts and requirements can also be added by the user.


4.4 Codes

Three of the seven MAC codes in the app can be updated by the user. These flow back to AusFleet>>Repair & Maintenance>>Job>>MAC Codes.


These codes help with R&M analysis and are controlled by the related reference file More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>MAC Codes.


4.5 Comments and Defect Reporting

Click the menu icon to enter any general comments or report a defect found while doing the job.

Both flow back to AusFleet>>Repair & Maintenance>>Job>>Report Defects/Comments.  The tab is coloured orange when there are any entries.

See Understanding the Job Card for more details.


5.  Closing Jobs


When the Finish Job button is clicked, the job changes to orange in the AusFleet R&M module, indicating it is complete and ready for normal close job process.






















End of Chapter




































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