Creating/Adding/Closing Jobs





1.  Add a Job

Jobs can be added in several ways:


Image Ref.


Accessed from

Job Type

Optional Module or R&M Function

More Information


Add job

R&M Menu

Any but best for repair/non- service jobs


Adding Non-Scheduled Jobs


Services Due

R&M Menu>>Services Due

Programmed or Scheduled Service


Creating Service Jobs


Service Requests

R&M Menu>>Service Requests



Service Requests Module


Job Import

R&M Menu>>Job Import



Job Import Module



R&M Menu>>Checklists



Checklists Module


R&M Menu


When creating jobs using Add Job, Service Requests or Checklists, first step is to select whether the job will be completed by external suppliers or in internal workshop


2.  Creating Service Jobs - Scheduled and Programmed

The easiest way to create service jobs is using the "Service Due" option (number 2 in the menu above)

Repair & Maintenance>>Services Due


Remember, each user can change the columns displayed and their order to suit their preference using the Settings>>Services Due option in the menu.


The Services Due list shows services due for a 12 months period in due date order - 6 months back and 6 months forward.

The dates can be changed using the "Due Date" filter in the menu.


If module set up is complete and regimes are attached to assets in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags, the Services Due list updates automatically whenever a service job is closed or odometer is updated.

If Service Kits include parts, requirements and fixed costs these will be added to the job automatically.


Also see:

Understanding Scheduled Services

Understanding Programmed Services

Module Set Up - Requirements/Parts/Kits/Regimes


2.1 To Create Service Jobs for the Next Work Period E.g. Next Week

To help prioritise jobs, the default sort order is by "Due Date".  This is the date AusFleet has calculated as the date the service should be done



1.Choose jobs to generate by ticking the boxes, selecting whether the work will be done in internal workshop or by external suppliers.

2.Click in the "Book In Date" cell and enter the date the job will start (this is the "Job Date" - it can be changed later once the job has been created).

3.Click "Generate Jobs" button.

4.Options for printing/emailing jobs cards are displayed and jobs are created, with any parts/requirements contained in the Kit.

5.When jobs are created you may want to use the Planning Calendar to help organise internal jobs in your workshops.


The jobs are created and display in the main R&M Job List where they can be managed and edited - see Understanding the Job Card for the next steps.


The created jobs are hidden in the Services Due screen but can be shown by unticking the "Hide Scheduled Jobs" flag.

When the job is closed it is permanently removed from the Services Due list.


See also: My Job mobile app for using electronic job cards.


Service Due. Note: Columns displayed may differ from those below based on what is selected in Settings>>Services Due


For accurate service scheduling it is vital that jobs are closed when complete and that accurate odometers are recorded.


Closing a job triggers update of the service schedule.


3.  Adding Repair and Other Non-Scheduled Jobs

This method may also be used to add service jobs but the Services Due screen is recommended.


1.In the main R&M screen, click "Add Job".

2.Choose whether it is an internal or external job

3.Select the asset - many fields may populate based on defaults but some defaults can be changed. Regime fields are not available for non-service jobs

4.Choose the Job Class and Job Level that describes the job. These are useful when reporting on work done (E.g. Workshop Detail report)

5.Add any parts, requirements, personnel, timesheets and other details in the tabs in the job  - see Understanding the Job Card for more details on each tab

6.When jobs are created you may want to use the Planning Calendar to help organise internal jobs in your workshops


With all jobs, it's important to enter the correct odometer/hour meter reading so that services, disposal etc. are scheduled correctly.


4. Job Card Defaults

When creating jobs, many of the fields on the job card are populated using default values to reduce data entry.


Configuring these options to your preference will result in long term time savings


For information on the related defaults, settings and reference files which can help to reduce data entry, see:

R&M Default Values

R&M Flags and Settings

Understanding the Job Card


5.  Closing Jobs

Jobs should always be closed when finished to update service schedules and utilisation calculations and ensure reporting is accurate.

Click "Close Job" button in the job details to close it.


If a job is closed when there are parts not fitted and/or requirements not complete, a Carried Forward job can be created (see 5.1 below).

If you do not invoice the job while closing it, it appears as an accrual in the Invoicing module (if licensed)

Closed and Invoiced jobs can be updated if parameters 970/980 are ticked. If already invoiced, any changes to costs create a new accrual for the difference

Closed/Invoiced jobs are hidden from the default view. To see them use the Status menu


5.1 Carried Forward Jobs

If there are incomplete requirements and/or parts not fitted when closing the job, a Carried Forward job with missing items can be created.

This means incomplete work cannot be forgotten.

See the following parameters to configure this option:

More>>Parameters>>Flags and Settings>>660

More>>Parameters>>Default Values>>550/560/610


Close Job Screen


Parameters control update of Closed/Invoiced jobs


Change default view to see jobs with different statuses. Showing all jobs may slow down loading















End of Chapter




































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