Job Imports




1.  Introduction

Repair & Maintenance>>Job Import


Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


Job Import reduces data entry by importing external R&M job details using standard format csv files.


The level of detail recorded is less than might be the case if entering details manually but is sufficient to maintain service scheduling and record costs and job type.


1.1 Process Overview

1.Suppliers enter job details in Excel using simple codes

2.Import the file in AusFleet. AusFleet attempts to post records while importing

3.Review and amend suspended records

4.Repost corrected transactions

5.Enter additional details if necessary


Suppliers must complete the spreadsheet accurately, with correct codes etc. to avoid high numbers of suspended records.


1.2 Pre-existing and Other Jobs

Jobs created prior to using the Import option or manually created using “Add Job” or “Services Due” MUST be updated and closed manually.

The import routine does not update status or other details of jobs other than those imported.


2.  File Format and Related Requirements

The file template can be found at Repair & Maintenance>>Job Import>>Create New Batch.


It is recommended that suppliers are given a reference sheet containing the codes/details they are allowed to use


2.1 Important File Format Requirements


The file must be saved in csv format.  These can be opened and edited in Excel but DO NOT save as .xls or .xlsx

Suppliers must enter details which correspond to details in More>>Reference Files>>Job Import

Service Kit names in file must exactly match kit names in AusFleet

Data must be entered in correct format e.g. date is dd/mm/yyyy, currency is $.cc

Format all cells in the template as "text" to ensure leading and ending zeros are retained

Do not change the order of columns or remove columns

Spaces (n registration numbers for example) must be included in the file if they are in AusFleet

Do not remove column headings Row 1

Job records must start at Row 2


2.3 Importing Service Jobs

The supplier must populate the Kit name for any service jobs.  The Kit name used by the supplier must exactly match the one in AusFleet


AusFleet considers the odometer and date in the csv file and applies the following logic to update the service records in AusFleet:


“Forecast Service by Time Only” Flag

Fleet>>MMSB, Flags and Settings

Logic Applied to Update Service Records

Flag OFF

Odo in the file is matched to the closest “Forecast Odometer” in the Service Matrix to determine the service sequence.

Any services between the last "Completed" service and the match found are marked as "Missed".

Flag ON

Job date in the file is matched with the closest “Forecast Date” in the Service Matrix to determine the correct service sequence.


3.  Import and Post the File

Repair & Maintenance > Job Import >Create New Batch


A template file is available by clicking in the icon in the window below.


Locate or drag and drop the file into the window.  When the "Upload files" button appears, click to start the import.

AusFleet validates and attempts to post each transaction as part of the import process.

At the end of the process:

Suspended records are listed and can be reviewed - see 4 below.

Successful records create a Closed job in the R&M job list


3.1  Validations

During import each transaction is audited for the following conditions.


Ensure Registration Number exists in AusFleet

Ensure Job Date is not prior to delivery date

Ensure Job Date is not after disposal date

Ensure the cost component (e.g. labour, parts) is mapped to a “Transaction Type” in Job Import reference files

The following validations have a "Force Post" option, which overrides the validation, posting the transaction regardless. Use this carefully to avoid recording erroneous data.

Ensure transaction is not a duplicate (system checks for match on multiple values)

Ensure the Service Provider code in file matches a maintenance supplier in AusFleet

Ensure Service Kit name in file matches the Service Kit name in AusFleet. If the Kit contains parts they will imported to the job details

Ensure the odometer in the csv file is equal to or greater than the last recorded odometer in AusFleet


4.  After Importing the File

After importing, the batch appears at the top of the Job Import window.

Open the batch, look for suspended records (See * in the screen below)

Click "View Detail", fix the error and repost. Individual records or the entire batch may be posted


Batch Details After Import


4.1 View Detail - Fix Suspended Records

If the record is suspended, click Edit and amend accordingly.




5.  Force Posting Suspended Records

Records may be "Force Posted" if they are suspended for the following reasons.

Force posting overrides the suspension and posts using the following rules.



Force posting is not recommended as it affects data accuracy.

Posting incorrect odometers can affect the daily utilisation figure used for service and disposal scheduling.

It may also prevent odometers being entered in other transactions due to validation against an incorrect odo posted here.


Force Post should be used only in exceptional circumstances

Example: If the odometer being posted is known to be correct and a previous, erroneous odometer is causing the suspension.

In this instance, force posting the new, lower reading may correct the error.


Suspense Reason

Action when force posting

Incorrect odometer

Posts odometer in the file regardless of error (see important note below)

Duplicate record

Posts the record regardless. Can result in duplicate jobs

Missing Supplier

Job is allocated to the Default Repairer as listed in More>>Parameters>>Default Values>>720

Missing Kit

No parts, sequence or kit name are assigned to the job.

Service matrix will be updated with no Kit name



















End of Chapter




































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