Job Import Module Set Up




1.  Introduction


Job Import allows details of R&M jobs to be imported from csv files rather than manually adding them.


However, the data that can be imported is limited to core information that allows Service Matrix to be updated and dates and costs be be recorded.


Invoice No

Job Class

Job Level


Job Date (dd/mm/yyy)

Labour EX GST

Parts EX GST


Sublet EX GST





Service Provider

Kit Name


POL  = Petrol, Oil, Lubricants


The set up required links codes used in the data file to those in AusFleet.

This means suppliers need only use short codes when completing records, helping minimise data entry mistakes.


*This links Job Classes, Job Levels and Transaction Types used in AusFleet to simpler codes to be used by suppliers.

This makes it easier for suppliers to complete the template and reduces the risk of spelling errors etc.


AusFleet Job Class

Suppliers' Code



AusFleet Job Level

Suppliers' Code



AusFleet Transaction Type

Suppliers' Code

General Repairs




2.  Reference Files

More>>Reference Files>>Job Import


2.1 Job Class Mapping

In the first column enter the codes that your suppliers will use to record Job Class for the work they carry out.

In the second columns select the corresponding AusFleet Job Class.


2.2 Job Level Mapping

In the first column enter the codes that your suppliers will use to record Job Level for the work they carry out.

In the second columns select the corresponding AusFleet Job Level.


2.3 Transaction Type Mapping

This reference is slightly different to those above.


The import routine is designed to record five different Transaction Type, as shown in column 1 below, and these cannot be changed.

The corresponding Transaction Types you wish to record them as are selected in column 2.


POL  = Petrol, Oil, Lubricants


2.4 Suppliers

More>>Reference Files>>Suppliers

Ensure suppliers are created in the Supplier reference file and flagged for "Maintenance service".


3.  Parameters

More>>Parameters>>Default Values>>720

Choose a Default Supplier (used when posting a record with a missing supplier)


AusFleet>>More>>Parameters>>Default Values>>570/600

Set Parameters 570 and 600 to “Service” and “Programmed” respectively so that services are correctly recognised and managed by AusFleet.


4.  Standard Format Import File

The work completed must be recorded in the standard import file.

A sample of the file is available in Repair & Maintenance>>Job Import>>Create New Batch


The order of columns must not be changed.





End of Chapter




































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