



1.  Introduction


Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


Logs are a record of utilisation based on odometer or hour meter readings.

They are essential for FBT reporting.


Important note:

For items flagged as FBT applicable, a single log cannot cross two FBT years.

I.e. A log cannot have a start date prior to 1st April and an end date on or after 1st April.

This ensures accurate data is available for FBT calculations.












The Logs module has options to view by fleet item or by driver. The Driver view sorts the table first by Driver name then by FBT year


Expanding the records shows comprehensive history.


A "Missing Logs" report is available to identify any gaps between dates in the log records


Odometer/hour meter readings can be collected automatically for items fitted with appropriate telematics equipment. Speak to your Account Manager or AusFleet Support for more information.


2.  Add Logs

Logs may be added using the Quick Task icon

or the Logs module


or in Fleet>>Odometers, Hours & Logs>>Logs


All the above methods undergo the same validations for overlapping dates, sequential odometer readings etc.


Logs and dates must be sequential - no overlaps allowed

Business/private use distinction is required for FBT calculation

If a driver is allocated to a vehicle, they will default as the driver but a different driver can be selected for the log.


For FBT reporting,  "Private Days" means the number of days in the period that the vehicle was available for private use, whether or not it was used for private purposes.


Logs Entry Screen


2.1 Missing Logs

A warning icon  in a row indicates that there is a period not covered by a log in the current FBT year up to the end of the previous calendar month.


3.  Calculating Private Use %

In the "Driver View" of Logs module, the "Calculate Private Use %" button can be used to select a date range within all logs submitted.


Tick "Start" and "End" logs and click the button.


The period selected must span at least 12 weeks within the same FBT year and all required background information must be complete E.g. FBT Commitment date and gross up type (Fleet>>MMSB>>Flags) and FBT reference files














End of Chapter




































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