Invoicing Module Set Up




1.  Reference Files

There are no specific reference files for this module but related references are required.


Debtors & Transaction Types

More>>Reference files>>Debtors

A Debtor must be attached to the Department Hierarchies.

When a Department hierarchy is associated with an asset, the Debtor is also attached with associated invoicing details.


Company Details

GST: More>>Reference files>>Administration>>Company Details>>GST Set Up

Financial Periods: More>>Reference files>>Administration>>Company Details>>Period


2.  Parameters



2.1 Flags and Settings

More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings


Each of these settings has a tool tip describing their effect



3.  User Rights

More>>User Rights


User Rights 90-90.05 control access and use of the module.


4.  Templates



R&M Invoice.  This is used when invoicing R&M jobs directly from the R&M module

Booking Invoice.  This is used when invoicing Hire Bookings directly from the Hire module

Invoice Email



End of Chapter




































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