Before use, please review the module Set Up details.
1. Introduction
Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists
Checklists module supports Pre-Start and Periodic Checklists.
The module includes:
•A mobile app for driver/operators to carry out inspections
•The ability to upload photos and enter comments via the app
•A module in the main application for receiving and managing checklists results
•The ability to create jobs for any defects with a button click
•An option to manually enter checklist results
•Options to automatically email results
•Summary and Detail Pre-Start Checklists reports for monitoring performance*
The summary and detail report only contain data related to pre-start checklists to assist with NHVAS.
Checks and results related to periodic checklists (monthly, bi-annual etc) do not affect the report statistics
Statistics on the dashboard allow you to click through to see details of pre-start checklists:
Dashboard Statistics in Dashboard
2. Periodic vs Pre-Start Checklists
There are two types of Checklist, "Pre-Start" and "Periodic", and either can be allocated to any asset in Fleet>>MMSB.
When the checklist "Frequency" is selected in Fleet>>MMSB, AusFleet identifies pre-start and periodic checks accordingly
2.1 Pre-Start Checklists
•Designed to assist with NHVAS for checks carried out every time an asset is used
•The statistics from Pre-Start Checklists are reported in the Summary and Detailed reports
•These reports exclude any data related to Periodic Checklists
2.2 Periodic Checklists
•Designed for regular, general inspections, particularly light fleet condition checks
•Carried out monthly, bi-annually or annually and scheduled from the actual date of last check
•Results and other statistics are not included in the Pre-start Checklists reports
•When a periodic check is due, an email is sent to the allocated driver to notify them (see Templates and Checklist Module Set Up)
•Overdue periodic checks can be seen in a separate tab for follow up
•For multiple periodic checks e.g. monthly and annually, use Programmed Services
Allocating a Checklist to an Asset in Fleet>>MMSB Categories & Flags
3. Allocating Checklists to Assets
Fleet>>MMSB, Categories and Flags
See screen in 2 above.
•Select the correct Checklist for the asset
•Set the frequency
•Set date of last checklist on first use to start the count to next required check. It then updates automatically after each check
4. Using the Checklist App
For more detailed instruction see: Checklists App
The user carries out each check in turn, answering pass or fail and taking a photograph of any defect to accompany their comments.
On submission, all results submitted via the App flow through to AusFleet desktop in Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists
5. Printing Blank Checklist Forms if the App Can't Be Used
If you need to use paper checklist forms (E.g. out of mobile network range), you can print them using the "Print" button on the Checklist menu.
Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists
You can then opt to print a checklist allocated to a specific item, with checkers name if required, or print any checklist by name
Printing pdf or Paper Copies of Checklists
6. Entering Checklist Results Manually if the App Can't Be Used
Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists>>Enter Results
If checks cannot be completed using the App, results can be entered into AusFleet manually when results are submitted using the paper checklist form (See point 5 above)
1."Confirm" asset, driver and checklist are correct
2.Tick Pass or Fail and enter any descriptions
3.Submit results
Entering Checklist Results Manually
7. Managing Submitted Checklists and Creating Jobs
Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists
Checklists appear in AusFleet with a status of PASS or FAIL
All Pre-Start Checklists are included in the Reports, accessed via the button shown below, whether actioned, cancelled, passed or failed.
Checklist Header Options
Checklist Details
7.1 Cancelling a Checklist
•You are provided with an opportunity to enter a reason
•The cancellation is stamped with date/time and user name
•The Checklist is hidden from default view and removed from the number of "Outstanding" records
•Cancellations can be viewed using the Status filter above the grid
7.2 Creating a Job
When creating a job the following occurs automatically:
Job Description
Defaults to "Checklist Failure: x requirements" but can be changed
Requirements tab
Shows failed items from Checklist
Comments tab
Shows any comments from the checklist
Documents tab
Holds photo from the checklist, linked to the fleet item
Repair priority can be set using the Job Level E.g. Job Class = "Checklist Failure" Job Level = "P1 Vehicle Grounded"
8. Generating Pre-Start Checklist Reports
Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists>>Reports
These reports include only details relating to Pre-start Checklists and not Periodic Checklists to ensure relevance and accuracy in relation to National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS).
•Select Summary or Detail report
•Enter date range or tick "Last 30 days" flag
•Select individual checklist to report on or "All"
•Export report results to spreadsheet (.csv) or pdf if required
Generating a Report
9. Pre-Start Checklists Report Output Options
9.1 Summary Report - Overview of checks carried out, passes, failures etc. and repairs completed within /outside 30 days.
9.2 Detail Report - Checklists per Fleet Item (number submitted, passed, failed etc.) with any R&M jobs created from the checklists submitted.
9.3 Results Report - List of all checklists with full details and results for each check carried out
10. Viewing Overdue Periodic Checklists
Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists>>Periodic Tab
The periodic checklist tab has an extra button to view overdue checks.
Click to open a new tab displaying only these records.
To email reminder notices to drivers, in the Overdue tab, tick records and click "Email" button.
The template must be completed and addresses must be available in Personnel module. b An icon indicates email success or failure for each record.
End of Chapter