



See also:

Checklists Module

Pre-Start Checklists Reporting


1.  Using the App


Presentation will differ depending on the system (iOS or Android) and the device used.


Select "Checklists" using either icon or the left menu.


Enter the registration or fleet number and confirm.


Check Make Model is correct and a Checklist is shown.

If not contact your Fleet Department


Carry out checks one by one, choosing Pass or Fail for each.


Depending on your organization's settings, you may have to enter a comment regardless of result.


On "Fail" use the camera icon to add a photo.



Enter a "Comment".


On the last check, Confirm to submit your responses or use the "Back" button to go back to change your entries.


If a serious or dangerous fault is detected, do not use the asset until your have consulted your Fleet Department

If you have reported a "Fail" you will be prompted to add a photo if you have not already done so.


If a serious or dangerous fault is detected, do not use the asset until your have consulted your Fleet Department


2. Emails for Periodic Checklists


Emails can be sent from AusFleet to drivers in relation to Period Checklists.  These emails are system generated and do not accept replies.


1.1 Upcoming Inspection

More>>Templates>>Periodic Checklist (Upcoming)


If the asset's inspection schedule is periodic i.e. Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually, Yearly, an email reminder is automatically sent to the allocated driver 7 days prior to the scheduled inspection date. 

The email address must be available in Personnel module.


1.2 Overdue Inspection

More>>Templates>>Periodic Checklist (Overdue)


If a periodic checklist is not submitted by the due date, an email can be sent to the allocated driver to remind them.

To do this, in AusFleet go to Checklists>>Periodic>>Overdue and click the Email button at the end of each row.


Viewing Overdue Periodic Checklists







End of Chapter




































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