Checklists Module Set Up




1.  Introduction


A Checklist consists of one or more R&M Requirements.  Unlimited Checklists can be created.


One Checklist can be allocated to each asset along with a frequency.


Checklists are designed to be carried out by drivers on the predetermined frequency.


Checklists are designed to be completed using the AusFleet Checklists App but the option to print hard copies and enter results manually is available in Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists


Pre-Start Checklists

These are required every time an asset is used, before it is put into operation.  They assist with NHVAS requirements.

Results from Pre-start and Periodic checklists are managed separately so that Pre-Start Checklist Reporting is maintained accurately.


2.  Reference Files

More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Checklists


The requirements you will use to build your Checklists come from the Repair & Maintenance>>Requirements reference file, so you need to complete that first.


Enter a name for the Checklist and click the "Update" button

Add Requirements to the Checklist in the accordion. 


The order each check is listed for completion can be changed by amending the "Sequence Number" in the first column

To locate a particular requirement, type into the "Requirement" column.


A Checklist Created in Reference Files

     A Checklist Allocated to an Asset in Fleet Module


3.  Parameters

More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings


The following settings relate to Checklists module. A tool tip explaining the effect of each appears when the cursor is placed over them.


Parameter 1830 has no effect unless 1820 is ON.

1830 OFF: Supervisor receives notification of all checklists

1830 ON: Supervisor receives notification of only failed checklists



4.  Templates



The following templates are available for Checklists and may be edited as required.

Print Checklist

Create the Checklist form that will generate in pdf format if you need to print paper copies.

The Requirements list automatically formats as a table with Pass/Fail and  Description columns.

Submitted Checklist Email

Sent if parameter 1800 is ON to notify the checker and their manager that the checklist has been submitted

See also Parameter 1830 - only send email in the case of failures.

Submitted Checklist Email to Depot Supervisor

Sent if parameter 1820 is ON to notify the Depot Supervisor that a checklist has been submitted.

See also Parameter 1830 - only send email in the case of failures.

Periodic Checklist (Upcoming)

Not used for Pre-start checklists.

Create an email that will be sent to the asset's allocated driver to advise them that they need to complete a periodic checklist on their vehicle.

The email is sent automatically 7 days before the due date, based on the last completed checklist date.

Email may also be manually sent to driver's manager and Depot Supervisor from within the module.

Periodic Checklist (Overdue)

Not used for Pre-start checklists.

Create an email that will be sent to the asset's allocated driver to advise them that they have not completed their periodic checklist by the due date.

The email is sent manually from the Checklist module.

Email may also be sent to driver's manager and Depot Supervisor from within the module.


5.  User Rights and Other Requirements

More>>User Rights


Drivers who will use the app need an AusFleet user name in Personnel module and User Right 390.2.

Right 390.2 does not affect your licensed user count


Administrators who will use the Checklist module to manage incoming results need User Right 390.1.

Right 390.1 will affect your licensed user count.


It is recommended to create new R&M "Job Levels" to help prioritise defects (More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Job Level).

When creating jobs from failed checklists, the priority can then be set easily using the Job Level.


Priority 1: Grounded

Priority 2: 14 days

Priority 3: 30 days











End of Chapter




































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