My Job




See Repair & Maintenance Module


1.  Introduction


My Jobs App shows your allocated jobs for the current and next day.  Any incomplete jobs are retained for the next day.


The App is best suited for use on tablets.


Details Include:

Job number, date, asset details etc

Estimated hours for the job

Parts to be fitted

Requirements to be completed

Repair codes that can be added

A full "read only" job card with comprehensive job details


Timesheet Functions

When these buttons are used, timesheets are created for your work.


Start Job Button:  Used when work starts on a job

Stop Job Button: Used when you stop work temporarily e.g. for lunch, breaks etc.

Finish Job Button: Used when the job is completed.


Parts/Requirements Options

The job details may include parts and requirements

You can add to these if you use additional parts or carry out additional work.


Using tick boxes:

You can confirm which parts are fitted/not fitted

You can confirm which requirements have been carried out and which have not



You can use the app to report defects found or add general comments.


2.  Starting and Stopping Jobs



Access Your Allocated Jobs


Select "My Jobs" using either icon or the left menu.


Select the Job To Work On 

Click on any to see details.

Orange = Job started and temporarily stopped

Green =  Job finished completely

Red =  Job started and in progress

Blue = Not yet started


To Start a Job


Press "Start Job"




To Stop Work Temporarily


Press "Stop Work"


When the Job is Complete

Make sure all parts, requirements, codes, comments and defects have been added.

Press "Finish Job"


To See the Full Job Card

Press "Job Details" button.


The details cannot be changed.




2.  Updating Parts, Requirements, Comments, Defects, Codes




Press "Parts" button.


Confirm parts fitted and update fitted quantities.



Press "Requirements" button.


Tick/untick to confirm which have been completed.



Press  "Codes" button.


3 can be changed.  Pick the best matches for the job.


To Add or Change a Comment

In Job Details, Press  and choose "Add/Edit Comment"

Enter a comment or edit an existing one.


To Add or Change a Defect

Press  and choose "Add/Edit Defect"

Enter one defect per line or edit an existing one.





















End of Chapter




































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