Service Requests




1.  Introduction

Repair & Maintenance>>Service Requests


Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


The module allows drivers to send defect reports and request maintenance services from the AusFleet App or Driver Services page.

Requests are received in AusFleet (Repair & Maintenance>>Service Requests) for assessment and job creation.


An email notification is generated to the workshop supervisor each time a request is logged.


The number of pending requests is shown in the dashboard - click the number to see them*

*The number shown in dashboard is for all Domains. When clicking through, the number may differ depending on the Domain in view


See also: Service Requests App


2.  Process


1.Driver/Operator uses the Service Request App or Driver Services page to submit a Request

2.The request is received in the Repair & Maintenance>>Service Requests

3.The menu and dashboard both show the number of currently pending requests

4.The workshop supervisor specified in Parameter 480 receives an email (if the email address is in Personnel)


Accessing Driver Services Page

If drivers have user right 50.11 to submit requests, they land on the Driver Services page when logging on to AusFleet.

Icon in Driver Services


3.  Administrator Options


The administrator assessing the request has the following options:


Assess/Investigate (Status: Pending): The recipient can add further comments in "Request Details" if necessary E.g. "Under Assessment"

Cancel the request (Status: Cancelled): The status in the Service Request module and request history in the App are updated

Create a job (Status: Scheduled): The request details are used to create a job. The Driver's app is updated with the status "Scheduled"


Service Request screen
















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