Replacement Budget Forecast




1.  Introduction


Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


The module estimates the required asset replacement budget for up to 20 years.


Results present

Forecast annual replacement cost

Forecast annual recovery value

Net annual budget budget required


Forecasts are based on:

Delivery Date and Delivery km

Fleet>>MMSB, Categories & Flags

Retirement Method: Age/Utilisation/Both (whichever occurs first)

Expected Life (months and/or km/hours)

Replacement Type

Purchase Price


Utilisation used to forecast retirement date is based on average daily utilisation using readings in Odometer Summary.


1.  Manual Changes to Forecasts

In the results, the initial purchase price and recovery value can be manually updated


To correct historical special offer prices

To change the purchase price of an asset that was bought second hand that will be replaced with a new one

To build in a risk premium

To increase/decrease sale value of assets in a particularly good or poor condition


2. Generating Forecasts

Replacement Forecast>>Generate Forecast


Forecasts begin from the next financial year.  Replacements due before the start of the next financial year are assumed to take place

Forecasts are saved as batches to be reviewed/reworked

Annual inflation/deflation (in the Replacement Type reference file) is applied to the results of the previous year


Purchase price =$10,000

Year 1 inflation rate: 10%

$10,000 + 10%

Replacement cost 1 year after delivery: $11,000

Year 2 inflation rate: 10%

$11,000 + 10%

Replacement cost 2 year after delivery: $12,100

Year 3 inflation rate: 5%

$12,100 + 5%

Replacement cost 3 year after delivery: $12,705

Depreciation is calculated in the same way.


Follow the steps below to generate a forecast.


Years refer to financial year E.g. 2020 means year ending June 30th 2020

In the results, "Year 1" represents the upcoming, full financial year, not the current one

Step 1. Settings


Step 2.  Choose assets to include/exclude


Step 3.  Results

Changing the purchase or sale price from the system calculated values * updates the entire forecast.





























End of Chapter




































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