



1.  Introduction


Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


Documents module allows files to be uploaded into the database e.g. licenses, insurance details, certifications, accident photos etc

Uploaded files are stored in the database, not in a folder location.


The module supports:

Multiple file formats: doc, docx, msg, jpg, png, xlsx, and other common formats

Archiving: Manual or automatic (see "Set Up"). Archiving retains the document in the database but hides it from view

Emailing: Documents can be emailed from the module

Three security levels: Public, Supervisor, Secure

Tags: Descriptive labels for different types of document to aid searching and sorting e.g. photo, licence, certificate

Relationships: Documents may be linked to personnel, fleet items, R&M jobs, parts, suppliers and accidents


Some file types are not permitted for upload due to potential security threats e.g. .exe files.

When uploading .msg files (email messages), attachments are stripped prior to upload.


2.  Document Security


There are three levels of security which can be used to control who access which documents.

The security level is chosen when adding documents.



Accessible by all users who have user right 170.2 allocated


Accessible only by:

The user who uploaded the file (170.2 required)

Supervisors with user right 170.8 allocated


Accessible only by supervisors with user right 170.8 allocated


3.  Option Buttons

Open-     Opens the document in the related application

Email-     Open a "mail to" window to enter email addresses

Archive- Hides the document from the default view.  Archived documents can be shown using the flag on the menu

Delete-   Permanently deletes the document from the database. CANNOT BE RECOVERED!


4.  Adding a Document


or use the Quick Task Icon


Documents may also be added/accessed in other modules e.g. Fleet, Personnel, Repair & Maintenance, Inventory, Accidents and Suppliers list

In other modules, a "Relationship" is automatically created using the respective record details E.g. job no., accident reference, personnel name etc.


Follow the steps below:

File name must be unique but descriptions can be duplicated

Up to 3 tags may be selected to help classify the document for easier location/sorting etc

After saving you may create one or more relationships to fleet items, jobs etc.



Documents with relationships to other modules will also be available in the Documents tab in those modules.




















End of Chapter




































© Trisoft Corporation 2021