Documents Module Set Up




1.  Reference Files


There is only 1 reference file related to Documents module - Tags.


1.1 Document Tags

More>>Reference Files>>Documents>>Tags


Tags are used to classify electronic documents uploaded into AusFleet and are used to search for documents of a particular type.


Up to three may be attached to each document.

Examples are:




Purchase Order






A photo of a driving licence may be tagged as Licence, Photograph and Driver Record

A copy of a purchase order may be tagged as PO, Inventory and Parts

A photograph of an accident may be tagged as Accident, Photograph and Insurance


As well as Tags, documents can be linked to specific records in AusFleet - fleet no., job no., part no., personnel, accident, supplier.

No reference file is required to do this.


2.  Parameters

More>>Parameters>>Default Values>>2100


Documents can be automatically archived (i.e. hidden from normal view) after a certain period.

Enter the period in days here. To delay archiving indefinitely enter 9999999.


Documents can be manually archived at any time.


3.  User Rights


Three user rights control access to documents based on their security setting.


170.2:  Allows user to open documents with security level "Public"

170.8:  Allows user to open any documents with security level "Supervisor" and "Secure"

Note: The user with 170.2 can access a Secure document if they uploaded it (based on logged on user name).



End of Chapter




































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