



Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


1. Introduction


Tolls consists of two main elements:

Tag allocation to vehicles.

Importing/adding toll transactions.


Tags cannot be allocated to two vehicles at the same time - unallocate one before reallocating.

Toll records in Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation, the Tolls module and the Toll icon are all connected and updating in one area updates all others.

Toll expenses accrue to the vehicle's debtor when posted.


1.1 To See Unallocated Tags

Go to Transactions>>Tolls>>Tag Allocation. See the "Allocated" column.


1.2 To Choose Which Columns to Display in the Main Toll Window

Go To Transactions>>Settings>>ETags and tick the columns to view.

Up to 8 columns are recommended for best display and performance.


If the import process fails it is usually because the supplier has changed the file format.  Contact Ausfleet Help Desk on 02 9986 2800.


2. Tolls Menu




3.  Adding a New Tag to the Database

Click the Toll icon and enter details

Or go to Transactions>>Tolls>>Tag Numbers>>Add new record and enter details.


Suppliers available are those entered in Supplier reference file and ticked as Toll Suppliers


4.  Allocating/Unallocating Tags

Method 1: Transactions>>Tolls>>Tag Allocation


Locate the asset, click Edit and enter an Allocation or Unallocation date.

Tags can only be allocated to one vehicle at a time.


To See Available Tags Not Currently Allocated

Go to "Allocated" column and click "No" to see available tags.


Method 2: Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>ETag History


Tag allocation in fleet module is validated to stop multiple concurrent allocations


5.  Viewing Tag Allocation History


To see allocation history for an individual asset: Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>ETag History

See picture "Method 2" above.


To see history for tags: Transactions>>Tolls>>Tag Allocation

Locate the tag and open its details to see a record of all allocations


6.  Adding a Transaction Manually

Transactions>>Tolls>>Add Transaction


Enter details and click "Post". The details will be validated. Fix any errors and repost if required.


To enter a toll for a vehicle that has been disposed since the toll was incurred, tick the "Show Disposed Assets" flag.


All manually entries are added to Batch Number 1 and can be viewed in Transactions>>Tolls>>Batch


Manual Entries go to Batch 1


7.  Importing Supplier Files

Transactions>>Import Transactions>>eTolls


Select the supplier to be imported, enter the file date and upload the file(locate it with the "Select" button or drag into the pop up window)


e-Toll Import Window


While importing, AusFleet validates each transaction for various conditions.

When complete, the batch appears in in the "Batch" tab.

Review the batch for any suspended records.


Records which pass all validations are posted and marked  "Posted".

Records which fail validation are labelled "Suspended".


See Parameter 1650, which stops validation for correct tag allocation.


Click "Reasons" to see why the record was suspended.  Click "Edit" to change the vehicle and "Repost".


Costs are not accrued to assets until the records is successfully posted.


8.   Deactivating Tags No Longer in Use

Transactions>>Tolls>>Tag Numbers


If a tag is no longer in use E.g. lost, damaged, it can be deactivated.

This retains the history of the tag but prevents it being accidentally reallocated in the future.


Locate tag and click "Edit".

Untick the "Active" flag or enter a date to make the deactivation date different to today).


Tabs can also be deactivate using the Toll icon.


Tags cannot be made Inactive while allocated. First unallocate the tag (see 4 above).













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