Tolls Module Set Up




1.  Reference Files


Tolls module does not have reference files but toll suppliersmust be entered into the Supplier Details reference file (More>>Reference Files>>Suppliers>>Supplier details)

Create the Supplier and tick the "eTag" flag as shown below. For more information on suppliers, see "Suppliers Set Up"


Supplier Details Reference File


2.  Parameters

More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings


Parameter 1650

When importing supplier files, choose whether AusFleet should check that the tag number is held on file and allocated to the asset recorded in the supplier file.


ON -  The tag number and allocation are not checked. The transaction is posted to registration recorded in the supplier file, regardless of tag number.

OFF - The tag number in the supplier file and checked against the AusFleet database. If the tag number is not found or it is allocated to a different asset, the transaction will be suspended.










End of Chapter




































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