Interface Module Set Up




1.  Reference Files


1.1 Financial Periods

More>>Reference Files>>Administration>>Company Details>>Periods


Create financial periods to reflect those used in your finance system.

When adding or importing income and expenses into AusFleet, the transactions are posted to the correct period based on the transaction's date.

If the period in which the transaction date falls has been closed (e.g. if the invoice is received after period has been closed), the transaction is posted to the next available open period.


See also: Creating Financial Periods


1.2  Transaction and Expense Types

More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Transaction Types

More>>Reference Files>>General Expenses>>Expense Types


Whenever an expense or income amount is entered in AusFleet it must be allocated to a Transaction Type, which describes and classifies the record for reporting and interfacing purposes.

If you use General Expenses module, this has its own classifications, called "Expense Types".


Some are system references which cannot be changed but you can create as many other as you wish to meet your organisation's needs.


1.3  Accounts & Ledger Codes


These references are used only where a financial interface has been created by AusFleet Support

During interface deployment, AusFleet staff will assist with creating these references

Their purpose is to act as a cross reference between transaction types in AusFleet and Account codes in the finance system


Interfacing has many benefits including:


Avoiding double data entry

Improved data integrity across systems

Reduced opportunity for human error

Sharing information

Allows the use of specialised systems for different teams


To discuss interfacing to finance, asset, personnel and other systems contact your Account Manager or AusFleet Support

on 02 9986 2800.




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