Inventory Module Set Up




1.  Reference Files


See also: Reference Files>>Suppliers to create Inventory Suppliers for use on purchase orders etc.

Note:  When creating Inventory Suppliers, make sure to tick the "Inventory" services flag for each supplier to ensure they appear for selection in Inventory module


1.1 Inventory Category

These are used to classify parts into groups for reporting and can be created as per your organisation's requirements

Examples: Electrical, Sundry, Mechanical, Transmission, Sealants & Adhesives, Brakes, Consumables


1.2 Cost Category

Similar to Inventory category but when includes a default mark up by either % or $.

Create categories and enter the default mark up that applies to parts in each category.


The default can be changed for individual parts in the Inventory module but having defaults can reduce data entry and user error.

Default mark-up in either % or $ but not both

The default mark ups are applied to the current average price for each part in each category



1.3 Inventory Locations

These are the physical locations within the depot in which parts are kept

Examples: Tyre bay, Store 1, Store 2, Body shop, Commissioning bay


Although a mandatory reference, many organisations may only require one default location e.g.Workshop Stores


Whether to Use Locations or Domains

Locations are to help locate where stock is stored

If you have different physical depots which are each managed separately for ordering etc. consider using Domains

Domains allows each depot to see only their own parts and to make requests to other domains for parts transfers

Seek advice from AusFleet Support prior to using Domains as they have an intrinsic and important effect on system use


1.4 Unit of Measurement

This relates only to purchase quantities, not issues.  All parts in AusFleet are issued singly (i.e. "Each").

For parts that are ordered in multiples/bulk quantities, this reference file helps maintain correct order/issue quantities/price.


Enter the names for the units e.g. box, pallet, drum

"Each" is also required for parts ordered singly.  If all parts are ordered in single units, only "Each" is required


In this reference file, you only create names for the packs. Quantities per pack are entered in Inventory module for each part

See also: Inventory Part Details




Purchase Unit

Quantity in each purchase unit

Issue Unit*

Engine Oil




Brake Fluid




Seat Protectors












* Issue unit is system controlled and is always "Each"


Using this information, AusFleet calculates the correct costs and quantities for reorders.

Purchase Orders show the quantities when creating orders to avoid accidental over-ordering.


2.  Parameters


The following parameters should be reviewed and set according to preference. Each has a tool tip explaining the function.

More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings


More>>Parameters>>Default Values

1300 - Select a supplier that represents your internal workshop for jobs completed internally.


1310 - Choose how the current cost price for parts should be calculated.

Last Price: Price recorded on most recent Goods Receipt

Average Price: Average of all GR prices since the part's Opening Date (i.e. date part added or last stock take date)


1320/1330 - Legacy values - not used in V8.42+


1340 - Reorder Configuration:

This sets the default trigger and order quantity for recommended reorders (Inventory>>Orders/Receipts>>Reorders)

Note that all the default settings can be changed for individual parts but having a default can reduce data entry.







End of Chapter




































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