Inventory FAQs




1.  Can I raise a Purchase Order in the R&M module?


Yes, you may raise an order for parts required on a job without accessing the Inventory module.

The P.O. is recorded in and controlled by the Inventory module as with all P.O.'s.

Parameter 1320 must be ticked to activate this function:          

More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings 1320

User Rights 310.15, 310.16, 310.17, 310.18 are required:

More>>User Rights

P.O.s can only be created in R&M for parts already in a job:

Job Details>>Parts/PO Tab>>Parts



Job Details>>Parts/PO Tab>>Purchase Order

Flag the parts required, choose the supplier and generate the order

The Purchase Order number is automatically linked to the job number so that when the goods are later receipted they can be allocated correctly

Stock levels, prices etc. are all maintained as if the order had been generated in Inventory module


2.  When I generate a reorder, why does the record sometimes remain in the reorder list (in blue)?

If the reorder you have generated does not fulfil the minimum stock level set in the reorder configuration I.e. the resulting stock level is below the reorder trigger:


AusFleet will create a further recommended reorder to meet the minimum stock level

The original record will remain on screen in blue to help assess the reorder requirement for the part


3.  Why is the system allowing negative stock quantities?

Some users prefer the option of issuing stock even if it creates a negative stock quantity in AusFleet.

This allows stock to be issued if there is a discrepancy between shelf count and system count or if it is known that a delivery is due prior to a job starting.


Others users prefer to prevent negative stock quantities occurring.


Use parameter 1330 to set your preference (More>>Parameters>>Flags and Settings).


4.  The supplier I want to use is not appearing in the drop down menu


See Supplier FAQs


End of Chapter




































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