Fuel FAQs




1.  "Incorrect File format. Check the file and upload again".  What does this mean?


Each fuel supplier provides its transaction files in a standard format.  AusFleet is designed to accept and import these files by default.


If this message appears, it is usually the result of:

The fuel company changing its file format - they are unable to advise us of changes so we rely on reports from users

A manual change to the file by one of your users - it is important the files are not amended in any way before importing into AusFleet


If you see the message, check the file has not been changed by one of your team.

If not, let us know using the Support link in the top right and include the file as an attachment.


Note: From version 9.005, AusFleet provides the ability for users to configure the fuel file import without requiring assistance from AusFleet Support.


2.  How do I change an odometer reading for a fuel transaction?


Transactions>>Fuel>>Fuel Activity>>Select Fleet Item/Transaction>>Click "Edit Odometer"


If appropriate, the "Last Fuel Odometer" and "Last Odometer" records will be updated in the item's "Odometer Summary" in Fleet module.


This feature overrides all validations and no checks will be made on the reading entered.

Ensure the revised reading is accurate to avoid adversely affecting utilisation, scheduling and future transaction entries.

3.  How can I enter or post a fuel purchase if the fuel type is different to the vehicle's fuel type listed in the fleet module?


Create "fuel type equivalents" in the fuel reference files.

This allows different fuel types to be treated as one for this purpose e.g. unleaded, premium unleaded, E10 can all be used in the same vehicle.

See below and Fuel Type Reference file


4.  What is "equivalent fuel type"


This allows different but similar fuel types to be treated as acceptable for a vehicle. E.g. unleaded, premium unleaded, E10

See: Fuel Type Reference File


5.  What is "fuel tax rebate"?


The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) operates a scheme to allow businesses to claim a fuel tax refund under some circumstances.

There are restrictions and you should refer to the ATO website for more details.

AusFleet has a "Fuel Tax Credit" report which calculates potential rebate based on the amount of fuel consumed and the purpose of its use.

There are two requirements in AusFleet:


1. Assets must have relevant fields completed.  Fleet>>MMSB, Categories & Flags>> Flags


2. Fuel Type Reference File must have Rebate details completed.


6.  How are CO2 emissions calculated?


Each fuel type can be given a CO2 emission volume in kg/litre used.  Enter values in More>>Reference Files>>Transactions>>Fuel>>Fuel Types

The CO2 values are then applied to the volume of fuel consumed as per transactions entered in the fuel module.


Fuel and CO2 report is available to report on CO2 emissions.


7.  How do I add or import fuel transactions?


1.  To add transactions manually

The Fuel Type reference file must be completed first:

More>>Reference Files>>Transactions>>Fuel


When complete:

Transactions>>Fuel>>Add transaction

Enter details and Post.  The details are validated and suspense reasons are provided if one or more validations fail.


2.  To import transactions from a supplier file

The Fuel Type and Fuel Supplier reference files must be completed first:

More>>Reference Files>>Transactions>>Fuel


When complete:

Transactions>>Import Transactions>>Fuel

Follow the instructions in the Fuel chapter.












End of Chapter




































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