Fuel Tax Credit Report




1.  Introduction


The report calculates the fuel tax rebate claim for fuel used for business purposes under the ATO Fuel Tax Credit Scheme


To simplify ongoing reporting, complete the set up tasks below.


2.  Initial set up


See also, Fuel Module Set Up for more details


After initial set-up, reports can be crated quickly and easily.





Create Fuel Tax Vehicle Types with corresponding auxiliary use % in the Fuel Tax Vehicle Type reference file.

More>>Reference Files>>Transactions>>Fuel>>Fuel Tax Vehicle Type

Auxiliary Use %'s are used as default values when a Fuel Tax Vehicle Type is applied to an asset in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>Flags. An asset's % can be changed in the fleet module or report.

For each eligible Fuel Type, enter the c/litre rebate amounts and corresponding effective date

More>>Reference Files>>Transactions>>Fuel>>Fuel Type

The effective date is compared to the fuel transaction date when applying rebate values to each litre of fuel used for applicable purposes based on ATO rules.

When rebate values change, use "Add new record" to enter new rates and date from which they apply.

To include a vehicle in your reports, complete the fuel tax fields in fleet details

Fleet>>MMSB Categories & Flags>>Flags

Tick "Use on public road" and/or "Other auxiliary use" flags as applicable for the vehicle.

Select a vehicle type (created at Step 1) to set the default auxiliary use %.

Change the default if it is not correct for the asset.  Changes are recorded in AusFleet's Audit trail.


Fuel Tax Credit Details in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>Flags

If one or both flags are ticked the item is included in the report.


Public road use % is assumed to be (100 - Auxiliary %).


If "Other auxiliary use" is ticked but the % = 0, Public Road Use is deemed to be 100%.


3.  Creating a Fuel Tax Credit Report

 Transactions>>Fuel>>Fuel Tax Credit tab


Click Create Report and  enter date range.  Purchases with transaction dates within the date range will be included.

          A new batch is created if any transactions are found.

          Transactions can only be included in one batch. If the date range overlaps a previous report, purchases included in the previous report are omitted from the new report.



Reviewing the New Report

Prior to Submitting, the report can be deleted and recreated.

Results can be exported to spreadsheet in csv format using "Export" button.

Auxiliary Use % for specific assets can be changed for individual reports E.g. if the asset's usage pattern changed for the report period and the default % is not correct

          Fuel records cannot be edited in the report.  Changes must be made to the originating fuel transaction to ensure data integrity.


Report Submission cannot be undone and may affect future reports if report contents are incorrect.

Do not Submit the report until all details are 100% correct.  Once Submitted using "Submit" button, the report is "Locked" (see 4 below).




4.  Submitting a Fuel Tax Credit Report


 Because the report may be used as the basis for tax purposes, each report can be locked to prevent changes and ensure that original figures are available for audit.


When a report is finalised and ready to be submitted for claim, click the "Submit" button (see screen in 3 above).

This "Locks" the report to prevent further changes and is irreversible.


When a report is submitted, other reports which contain some/all of the same transactions cannot be submitted. They are marked with

If multiple reports cover the same period, they will each contain all transactions if none have been submitted

Once "Submitted", future reports covering part or all of the same period will exclude transactions included in the submitted report


 This icon next to a report means it contains records that are also in a submitted report.

It is recommended the report is deleted and a new one is run covering the same period, which will ignore records in other submitted reports.














End of Chapter




































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