



Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


1.  Menu Options




Use this button on the tool bar to see more search/filter options


2.  Viewing Historical Fuel Records

Transactions>>Fuel>>Fuel Activity


Locate the asset and open to see all fuel purchases for the asset.  The list only includes transactions that have been successfully posted (see below).


Fuel Activity Tab - Viewing Historical Fuel Purchases


3.  Updating Odometer Readings After Posting

Transactions>>Fuel>>Fuel Activity


This allows corrections to be made where an error is identified later, e.g. when subsequent transactions fail validation due to a bad fuel odometer.


1.Locate the asset and transaction (see 2 above).

2.Click the "Edit Odometer" button at the end of the row.

3.If the edited record is the latest transaction for the fleet item, the odometer summary in fleet module and utilisation calculations updated accordingly.


Warning: This feature overrides all validations and no checks will be made on the reading entered.  Bad readings affect utilisation, scheduling and future transaction entries.


Fuel Activity Tab - Editing Odometer


4.  Deleting Fuel Transactions


Deletions cannot be undone


Use the delete buttons to delete entire batches or individual records.  See Screen image in 6.2 below.


When deleted, related odometer/hour meter records are rolled back as appropriate.


5.  Adding Fuel Transactions Manually

Transactions>>Fuel>>Add Transaction


All fields are required before posting.



6.  Importing Fuel Supplier Files


Each fuel supplier provides its transaction files in a standard format.  AusFleet is designed to accept and import these files by default.

If you see a message saying the file format is incorrect, it is usually the result of:


The fuel company changing its normal file format - they are unable to advise us of changes so we rely on reports from users

A manual change by one of your users - it is important the files are not amended in any way before importing into AusFleet

An error in our program - we will investigate and fix it as a priority as soon as we are alerted


If you see the message, first check the file has not been changed by one of your team.

If not, contact AusFleet Help Desk on 02 9986 2800 for assistance.


6.1 Import Process

Transactions>>Import Transactions>>Fuel


1.Enter Fuel Provider, Invoice Number and Invoice Date

2.Locate the file to be imported or drag it into the window

3.Click "Upload file" when the button appears

4.Each transactions is validated (see 7 below) and posted or suspended automatically

5.A results summary appears on completion


Costs and fuel use are not recognised until successfully posted.


Importing Fuel Files


 6.2 View Batch and Fix Suspended Transactions



Most recent imported batch is at the top of the list by default.

The batch header show total records and number posted/suspended.


Batch Status:

Completed:  All records posted successfully

Outstanding: One or more records have been suspended due to failed validations


Open the batch and review suspensions.


1.Click "Reasons" to see reason for suspension together with the suggested action to fix the problem.

2.Some fleet details can be changed in the Reasons pop up if the error relates to the asset

3.Click "Edit" to amend information in the record

4.Click "Delete" to permanently delete the record

5.Click "Force Post" to bypass validations and post anyway


Warning: Use "Force Post" with caution. Can result in submitting erroneous records. Not available for all suspension reasons.


When fixed, "Post" individual records or the entire batch (only suspended records are posted). Check that all records are now successfully posted.


Fuel Batch - Fixing Suspended Records


7.  Validations


Each record is validated as follows:


































End of Chapter




































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