Lease Details




1.  Viewing/Editing Lease Details

Fleet>>Leasing Accordion


The leasing accordion is only accessible if the asset's Ownership type is flagged as a lease type in More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items>>Ownership


For more details in relation to constructing lease packages see the Fleet>>Leasing Set Up chapter


Entering Lease Inclusions

Lease Inclusions tab will populate automatically based on the Lease Type selected but the charge details can be amended if required.  Charges are entered on a "per instalment" basis.


Entering/Extending the Lease End Date

The Lease End Date and Extended End Date (see Lease Details below) are checked during vehicle disposal to prevent disposal of an item with an active lease.


Setting the Margin on Lease Components

Margin on lease components can be by % or $.


How Leases are Constructed in AusFleet

Lease Details


Lease Inclusion Details


Charges are entered on a "per instalment" basis.



2.  What To Do When a Lease Ends but the Asset is Retained


When a lease has ended but the asset is retained the lease type can be changed to "Ex-lease" to maintain access to lease details.

Ex-Lease is a system reference file and cannot be changed or deleted.



End of Chapter




































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