Adding/Editing Debtors, Debtor Types, Debtor Hierarchies




1.  Recommended Order to Complete Reference Files

1.Debtor Types

2.Debtors (if they are to be attached to department hierarchies for invoicing)

3.Department hierarchies



If you plan to use Debtor Types to charge different labour rates to different customer types, it is better to complete Hour Types reference file first.

This reference file determines which times types are chargeable and which are not.


2.  Creating Debtor Types

More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Debtor Types


You should enter the Hour Codes in Reference Files>>Repair and Maintenance>>Hour codes before starting this.


Decide how many and which Debtor Types you require e.g. Internal, External, Corporate, Residential etc.

Your decision will be governed by how many different price/mark up variations you need.

If all Debtors (customers) are charged equally, Debtor Types are probably not required.


Complete the reference file as shown below. Place your cursor over highlighted areas to see details.


Creating Debtor Types


3.  Creating "Debtors" 

More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Debtors


NOTE: If the "Multiple Debtors" option is used then you can ignore this section.


Add Debtors at More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Debtors.


3.1 Credit Control Tab

In the screen above, Credit Control feature works where a financial interface updates customer current credit amount.

Contact AusFleet Support about tailored interfacing.

When fields are populated, a warning appears when creating transactions for customers exceeding their limit


4.  Creating Department Hierarchies and Attaching Debtors

More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Department Hierarchy


If you use Multiple Debtors, go to 10 below.


Add new departments, branches etc. using the "Add new record" buttons.


Add  a Department, then attach Branches below, followed by Regions, Sections etc. to create your organisational tree


Department level has the option to to select which odometer sources to use/ignore for that Department - "Use km/hours from" flags


Proceed down the tree, adding levels as required - not all levels have to be used


At each level  use the "Edit/View Details" buttons to add details (see screen below)


A Debtor may only be attached at one level in each unique hierarchy.


It is normal practice to select a Debtor at one of the levels to accrue/invoice to that Debtor by default.


Creating a Department Hierarchy

Department Hierarchy Reference FIle

The Tree View of a Hierarchy


Adding Details in the Department Hierarchy - Department Level is Shown Here



5.  Using Multiple Debtors

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Debtors


First, complete the Debtors reference file (see above).

Tick More>>Parameters>>Flags & Settings>>110. This makes the additional tab "Debtors" accessible in fleet module.


If multiple debtors option is used, the debtor flagged as "Default"  is displayed in any debtor fields in AusFleet but expenses are allocated to all the debtors based on the % split entered in the screen below.


Allocating Multiple Debtors to an Asset in Fleet module




End of Chapter




































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