Other R&M Reference Files




More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance


1.  Depot

Not a mandatory reference but recommended


Depots are your physical, internal, workshop locations

They are useful if you have multiple depots/workshops and need to distinguish where jobs were completed.


For each Depot, a Supervisor can be selected (Supervisors are selected from people flagged as "Supervisor" in the Personnel module).

When a Depot is selected in an internal job, this Supervisor will be added to the job details by default.


2.  Findings

Not a mandatory reference


Findings are entered in workshop jobs and help if investigation/approval is required prior to commencing a job

They allow standard findings to be entered along with a free type description and root cause

Findings may identify which component is at fault (as in the example below) or how the fault has occurred. e.g. abuse, incorrect operation, normal wear and tear etc

The findings can then be used to determine if charges are applicable, whether the job will commence etc

They also appear on reports to help identify if particular drivers/departments are at fault


Findings  in a R&M Job


3.  Fixed Charges

Not a mandatory reference


"Fixed charges" are applied to EVERY internal job to cater for consumables and suchlike e.g. seat cover, cleaning materials.

Select a Transaction Type to reflects the charges and the applicable cost.


Note: Fixed costs can also be applied via a Service Kit, when they are charged only when the Kit is used on a job.  

Either or both methods may be used.


In the job, Fixed Charges appear in the "Other Costs" tab.


Fixed Charges Created in the Reference File


Fixed Charges Shown in the Job


4.  Hour Types

A mandatory reference for entering timesheets


Used in timesheets to describe the activity undertaken

The range of Hour Types will depend on how detailed you need time to be classified

The Hour Type can be chargeable or non chargeable. Select this in the "Charge" column

If chargeable, the charge is added to the job as Labour Cost and invoiced at either the person's charge rate in the Personnel module or the Debtor Type charge rate if applicable


Note: Auto Labour Entry flag is a legacy feature and is being phased out from 2020 when it is replaced by the My Job app. It has no effect from V8.02.



Hour Types Reference File


5.  Job Class

A mandatory reference.


The main classification for the type of repair and maintenance job E.g. Service, Repair, Check, Overhaul, Inspection.


If Checklists module is used, creating a Job Class "Pre-Start Checklist" is recommended for jobs created from that module.



"Service" and "Programmed" are used to denote a service job and should not be changed.

If the Job Class = "Service" or "Programmed", a Regime and Sequence become mandatory fields on the job to ensure service scheduling is maintained correctly.

See also: Regimes


5.1 Suggested Repairers

Optionally, one or more repairers from the Suppliers reference file can be attached to each Job Class, with one nominated as the default supplier for that type of work.

The default supplier is then shown in EXTERNAL jobs as a suggestion as to who should carry out the job and a different repairer can be chosen.


Job Class Reference File Showing a Suggested Repairer for Modifications


6.  Job Level

A mandatory reference.


A subclass used to further describe jobs.

A Job Class and Job Level must be selected in every R&M job to describe the nature of the work carried out.

Scheduled is an import Job Level to classify scheduled services.



Scheduled, Unscheduled, Ad hoc, Urgent, Abuse, Safety, Urgent, Misuse, Abnormal, Wear and Tear.


7.  Mechanic Comments

Not a mandatory reference


Allows predetermined or free type comments to be added to jobs. To enter Comments in jobs, at least one reference must be added.

Comments appear in the Report Defect/Comments tab in jobs.


If a free-type description is also entered in the job, the Comment is overwritten.

If a description is not entered in the job, the selected reference is saved as the comment



Additional defects found

Subject to abuse

Requires further investigation

Not repairable



8.  Projects

Not a mandatory reference


Projects are a simple reference that allow a project to be selected in R&M jobs.

Examples: Road maintenance, excavation, demolition, emergency events etc.


9.  MAC Codes (Maintenance Analysis Codes)

Not a mandatory reference


These seven codes are used to classify R&M for detailed analysis by exporting to Excel for manipulation. Not all codes have to be used.

A default can be chosen for each and this will populate the field in the job.

Work Completed, Repair Reason and Repair Cause appear in AusFleet's My Job app so the mechanic can enter the appropriate codes.


MAC Code Reference File





Export MAC Codes button in R&M module


10.  Transport Vehicles

Not a mandatory reference


These are fleet items used to provide transport services related to internal R&M jobs e.g. Tow trucks, roadside assist vehicles, parts pick up

Select the fleet items from your Fleet list, describe its use (e.g. towing/plant transport/parts pick up) and enter its hourly charge rate

These vehicles can then be chosen in R&M jobs where transport services were involved e.g. towing.


Charges are added to the job as "Transport" costs in the Sublets/Transport tab.


Transport Services in R&M Job


11.  Workgroups

A mandatory reference if timesheets are used


Workgroups are used to classify personnel time in timesheets in terms of "type of work carried out".

Examples: Brakes, Engine, Transmission, Electrical, Hydraulics, Cleaning, Assessment, Vehicle Recovery.


They are similar to Hour Types but have no charge component and are used only for recording Transport Services and Personnel Activity.










End of Chapter




































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