Display, Search, Sort & Customisation Options




1.  Module Design


AusFleet employs a standard design for all modules.

Different browsers may present screens differently and in some cases can adversely affect functionality.


AusFleet recommends Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for best results.



2.  Column Search, Filter and View Options


The Funnel Icon

The Three Dots Icon

The funnel icon opens the methods of filtering the grid. 

An orange funnel shows there is a a filter in place.

Some modules have optional columns which can be displayed.

Click the three dots to show columns, filters and sort options.


3.  Choosing Your Personal Preferences Using the "Settings" Option


Larger modules (Fleet, R&M, Hire, Inventory) have a "Settings" option in the menu. 


Use this to choose which columns to display.


View settings are individual to each user

They are retained for future sessions

Displaying too many columns may affect performance


Click "Settings".


Open "Fleet List Columns" accordion.


Tick the columns you wish to see on the main screen.  The order of selection dictates the order the columns appear


Choose how many rows will be shown in the grid by default


Click "Apply" to save your settings


Use "Reset" to apply the default system selection


Around 10-15 columns are recommended for best display and performance.




4. Choosing Which Details to Show at the Top in Fleet Module


In Fleet module, you can choose which details appear at the top of the Details tab, to give you quick access to commonly used fields.


Select the fields you wish to see in the Details section at the top of fleet item details

Selecting too many fields may affect performance

Use "Reset" to clear selections


Choosing Fleet Module Details






End of Chapter




































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