Display/Log On/Licence FAQs




General System: Troubleshooting Display/Log on/Users 


1.  Why do I see a message "You have exceeded your licensed user count"


AusFleet is licensed based on the number of users who have access to the application.


If you have granted access to too many people you will see this message.


Click on the link within the message to see the actions you can take to remedy the situation to avoid breaching your software licence.


Your Licence and Services Agreement will specify your Maximum Licensed User Count or you can contact AusFleet on +61 2 9986 2800.


People who are only allocated these user rights are not counted as users.

Allocating any other rights will cause the person to be counted as a licensed user.


For simpler administration...

Create a user group (More>>User Rights>>Groups) containing only the rights above and allocate the group to people who do not need access to the main application.  Of course, you must have licensed the related module in order to see these options.


2.  I can't open a list/tab/accordion/page


Try refreshing your browser.  Sometimes a brief network drop out can affect a page and refreshing will usually help

Do you have user rights to access the page you are seeking?

Check which browser you are using. AusFleet 8 supports Internet Explorer 10+, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Other browsers may not deliver the same user experience or support some of the functionality

Personal browser settings and plug-ins can affect performance - try using the default browser settings


If you are using a supported browser and the problem persists after trying the suggestions above, please raise a support call.


3.  How do I add a new user?


To add an AusFleet user, click the Quick Task icon


The form includes only the mandatory information required to create an AusFleet user.

An explanation of the flags and fields can be found in the Personnel module.


Additional information can also be entered in Personnel module.


4.  How do I reset my password?


Follow the instructions here


5.  How I display a custom image to users after logging on?


Reference Files>>Administration>>Company details>>Set log in picture


This is also useful for displaying short, customised messages to your users when they log on.


Use "Select file" to locate the image, then "Upload files"

Tick the "Show picture after logging in" flag (or remove it to stop the image appearing)

Depending on your browser, after uploading you may need to refresh the page to see the new image



File types are limited to jpg, gif and png and file size is restricted to 800kb

Only one image may be uploaded at a time and a previous image will automatically be replaced


6.  How do I cancel a users access to AusFleet/Terminate personnel who have left?

Personnel>>Select Personnel



Tick the Suppress flag in the Personnel record


Enter a termination date in the persons Personnel record if they have left the organisation. This ticks the Suppress flag automatically.


7.  Why do some users see the Dashboard when they log in and others see the Home Page?


The dashboard is designed for fleet managers, administration and supervisors.

For general users requiring limited access to hire bookings, logs entry etc., they will see limited options based on user rights they are allocated


To see the fleet dashboard assign User Right 300 to the user in More>>User Rights

To remove a users access to the dashboard, withdraw right 300 from them.


The right may be allocated as part of a group e.g. the Supervisor Group.


Limited access users will see one or more of these options depending on their user rights.


Home Page options for drivers


Add vehicle log:          User right 70.01 plus other optional logs rights (Edit/Delete) as appropriate

Book a Vehicle:          User right 40.01 plus other optional hire rights (Edit/Delete etc.) as appropriate

Service Requests:          User right 50.11


Note: Driver Services will be phased out from 2020 as they are replaced with the same functionality in the AusFleet app.


8.  I can't find what I'm looking for in a drop down menu


Have you added it to the Reference Files?

Has it been suppressed in the Reference Files?


Suppressing means it is hidden from menus when it is no longer required without affecting historical transactions that have used it.


Go to the related Reference File (More>>Reference Files) and check the "Suppressed" flag next to the description.


If you cannot see a Checklist you have created when trying to allocate it to a vehicle, check the reference files to make sure the Checklist has at least 1 requirement added.


9.  Why is the debtor not appearing on transactions? Do I have to select it each time?


You can make the Debtor default in transactions if it is entered in the Department Hierarchy.

Go to More>>Reference Files>>Debtors>>Department Hierarchy


See Debtors Reference File for more details.


10.  How do I reset my password?


Click on the "Request/Reset Password" link on the log in page.

You will be emailed a temporary password which you should change on first use.

Your email address must be registered in AusFleet before being granted a password.


11.  How do I assign user rights to a user?


More>>User Rights


Rights may be assigned (or removed) individually or as part of a Group.


12.  Why are emails not being sent?


Email addresses need to be entered for personnel and suppliers.


For personnel, go to the Personnel module, locate the persons record and enter the email address in the main  details.

For Suppliers, go to More>>Reference Files>>Suppliers, locate the supplier and enter the email address



Email server details must be entered in default settings 390, 400 and 405 (Parameters>>Default Values).

For emails from Hire module, also see parameters 340, 350 and 360 (Parameters>>Flags & Settings).

AusFleet Support can help with these settings.


13.  How can I send a driver information about their vehicle?



Use the email button to send a pdf report with various financial and activity statistics to anyone





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