Hire Bookings




Before use, please review the module Set Up details.  In particular:

More>>Parameters>>Flags and Settings

More>>User Rights>>Numbers 40+

More>>Reference Files>>Hire


1.  Introduction


Bookings is a comprehensive module with extensive features and automation.

It is suitable for pool car and plant hire, internal or external bookings and wet or dry hire with operator timesheets.


It provides:

Bookings via calendar, Quick Task icon or mobile app


Flexible charge options

Manager booking approvals

Integrated "Vehicle Unavailable for Hire" option in R&M and Accident modules

Hire pools and Pool administrators

Manual or automated pick-up and return

Defect reporting

Automated emails


An optional interface to AST's KeyWatcher Key Cabinet is also available to control key issue and record pick up/return times.


2. Definitions



Standard vehicle locations e.g. Depot, Head office, Brisbane Office, Domestic Terminal, Interstate. 

For information only e.g. to assist booking approvals.  Assumes vehicle is returned to normal location for next booking

If not required, create "Not applicable" in Reference File and set as the default in More>>Parameters>>Default Value 320

Hire Pool

Classifies assets into "pools" for administrative purposes

Drivers and Pool Administrators can only see, manage and book assets in their own pools

Pools are allocated and Pool Administrators are created in Personnel module

Pools are allocated to assets when ticking the "Available for Hire" flag in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>Flags

Hire Profile


A combination of availability times and charges.

Availability times control when bookings can be made. E.g. weekday only availability will prevent bookings that include weekend days

Profile are attached via a Hire Vehicle Type (see below), making it easier to apply the same profile to different types of vehicle

All Hire assets have a Profile attached in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>Flags

Hire Vehicle Type (HVT)


Vehicle classification to help drivers find appropriate hire vehicles  e.g. passenger sedan, light commercial, ute, executive car

Each HVT is linked to a default Hire Profile to apply charges and availability times. The default can be changed for individual vehicles

Linked to a fleet item in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>MMSB

Open Ended Bookings (OEBs)

Bookings created without an end date.  Usually long term bookings.

Charged only by a flat monthly charge with availability at all times.

Hire Profiles for OEB's must have the    flag ticked

Hire Unavailable Reasons

Used to make assets temporarily unavailable for hire e.g. under repair

Use More>>Parameters>>Flags and Settings 760  to control whether assets are unavailable for bookings when R&M jobs are scheduled

"Accident" and "Workshop/Maintenance" are system files and cannot be edited. When these are selected in hire calendar, a corresponding reference number can be entered

Administrators can make assets unavailable manually in the calendar

Job Numbers

Hire charges can be allocated and apportioned across multiple Job Numbers and Debtors

Purpose of Trip

These can be selected when making a booking and can help in booking approvals and reporting

Examples are: Personal use, business use, training course, field trip, site visit, meeting, project management etc


3.  Booking Statuses


The status is automatically updated.



Booking not confirmed and awaiting Approval


Booking approved. Start date/time is in the future


Hire period has commenced/vehicle has been picked up*


Booking cancelled prior to commencement 


Booking period ended/vehicle has been returned*


 *If the "Manual Pick up and Return"  option is being used (parameter 190 is ON), the status changes when the respective "Pick Up" and "Return" buttons are pressed. 

 If the option is not used, AusFleet automatically updates the status at the booking start/finish times.


4.  Making an Asset Available for Hire

 Fleet>>MMSB Categories & Flags>>MMSB


Hire Fields in Fleet>>MMSB Categories & Flags>>MMSB


4.1 To Make "Available for Hire"


1.Tick Hire flag

2.Select a pool

3.Select Hire Vehicle Type

4.The Hire Profile is defaulted based on the Hire Vehicle Type (set up in Hire Reference files)


Changing an assets Hire Vehicle Type or Hire Pool affects only future bookings.


4.2 To Cancel "Available for Hire"


1.Remove the Hire flag if the item is no longer available for hire

2.This action does not cancel existing bookings

3.To cancel existing bookings, locate them in the Hire module and click Cancel


4.3 Open Ended Bookings


If the Hire Profile is for open ended bookings (i.e. no end date in the booking):

The monthly charge will be displayed below its profile. It may be changed for individual items

The fleet item will only be available for hire when making Open Ended Bookings


In the example below, a Monthly Hire Charge is displayed, meaning the Hire Profile is for Open Ended Bookings and so the asset is only available for Open Ended Bookings.


Key details are not mandatory for hire items but may be a useful reference for key collection, especially if they are included on the Hire Booking Form template


Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags>>MMSB





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