Understanding Programmed Services




For accurate service scheduling it is vital that jobs are closed when complete and that accurate odometers are recorded.


Closing a job triggers update of the service schedule.


See also: Scheduled vs Programmed Services


1.  Creating Programmed Service Regimes


See R&M Module Set Up for full details.


The approach is as follows:

1. Add Requirements E.g. Check seat belts, check body condition, check lights

More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Requirements

2.  Create Kits containing the Requirements, one for each service type*

More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Kits

3.  Add Regimes and tick as "Programmed" Service

More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Service Regimes

4.  Add your Kit(s) to the Regime

More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Service Regimes

5.  Assign the Regime to assets

Fleet>>MMSB, Categories & Flags>>Programmed Services


*If the requirements in the service are the same every time, as they might be for a condition or safety check, you will only need one kit that repeats every time.

If you want a different set of checks/requirements that alternate, you will need multiple kits E.g. Seq 1, Seq 2, Seq 3, which then cycle continually.


Example of a Simple Programmed Service Kit

More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Kits


Example of a Programmed Service Regime with a Single Kit Containing Requirements

More>>Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Service Regimes


2. Allocating Programmed Services to Assets

Fleet>>MMSB, Categories & Flags>>Programmed Services


Click on the blue hyperlink to open the pop up then enter details as shown below.


Allocating a PS to an asset in Fleet>>MMSB, Categories & Flags>>Programmed Services


3.  Scheduling & Creating Programmed Service Jobs

The easiest way is to use Repair & Maintenance>>Services Due.


AusFleet maintains the schedule automatically - see "Ensuring Accurate Service Scheduling"


Programmed Service jobs have the Job Class "Programmed".


The list is sorted by Due Date by default and only the next PS is shown for each asset.

To see the full list for the next 12 months, tick "Show all Programmed Services". This may take some time to load for large fleets with frequent programmed services e.g weekly.


Tick the jobs to be created.

Enter the book in date when the job will be done.

Click "Generate Jobs".



"Services Due" Screen in R&M Module Showing Programmed Service





End of Chapter




































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