Scheduled vs Programmed Services




1.  Scheduled or Programmed Service?


AusFleet accommodates two types of servicing with separate schedules that run concurrently.

An asset may have one or both type of services and they do not affect each other.


1.1 Scheduled Services

These are the main OEM services that are carried out in in line with manufacturer specifications.


They  are scheduled by time (months) and/or utilisation (km or hour meter). If both then whichever occurs first determines due date

Scheduled Services may creep by km, date or both

Assets may only be assigned one Scheduled Service regime

Scheduled Service Regimes can contain a list of parts and requirements for each service type in the regime (A/B/C/D etc.) and these are added to the job automatically when a service job is created

Service regimes are assigned via the Make/Model/Series/Regime reference file and are attached to assets based on the assets make/model/series


1.2 Programmed Services

Programmed Services are simpler than Scheduled Services and are designed for safety checks, condition checks etc. which meet an organisations internal requirements rather than prescribed by the manufacturer


They do not have parts, only requirements

They  are scheduled by time only - by a number of days, calendar months or years e.g. every 7 days, every 6 months.

They run concurrently with OEM scheduled services but each is scheduled separately and they do not affect each other.

They never creep - the next one is always scheduled from the date of the previous one.

Multiple programmed services can be attached to an asset e.g. weekly safety inspection and annual condition inspection

They are attached directly to assets in Fleet>>MMSB Categories & Flags.


To create programmed services, a regime is created with requirements but no parts and is ticked as a Programmed Service Regime in the reference file.









End of Chapter




































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