Introduction & Feature Overview




1.  Introduction


Before use, please review the module Set Up details.


Repair & Maintenance (R&M) module provides:


Service scheduling by time and/or utilisation

Programmed service jobs (i.e. time only schedule)  e.g. condition/safety checks

Recording of jobs completed by external suppliers

Maintenance Analysis using standard classifications to assist RCM programs

Internal workshop control including:

Personnel timesheets

Downtime reporting

Job cards via mobile App or printed

Actual vs flat rates completion times

Job cards (electronic and hard copy)

Workshop Planning Calendar

Automatic allocation of parts and requirements to service jobs

Invoicing direct from the module


The Service Matrix tab in the Fleet module provides a record of services completed (or missed) and future schedule.

It cannot be changed manually but is updated automatically as jobs are activated/closed and edited and as odometers are entered or regimes updated.


Additional Options Available:


An optional module for drivers/operators to complete pre-start or periodic compliance/safety/condition checklists using the AusFleet mobile app, to assist with NHVAS.

Job Import

An optional module to import external jobs details using csv files to reduce manual data entry.

Service Requests

Optional module to let drivers submit service requests from the AusFleet App to be received in R&M module for assessment and easy job creation

My Job Mobile App

Included with R&M module, it provides electronic job cards for internal jobs

For accurate service scheduling it is vital that jobs are closed when complete and that accurate odometers are recorded.


Closing a job triggers update of the service schedule.


2.  Current and Historical Job Views


To ensure system performance for large fleets with many jobs created over many years, AusFleet provides two views of the jobs list.


View Current or Historical Jobs


Current Jobs View

The default view is Pending, Active and Carried Forward jobs from the last six months and those created for the next six months.

The default can be changed by using the status and date range menus on the tool bar.


Historical Jobs View

To access all jobs, use the "Historical Jobs" tab, which includes all jobs recorded in AusFleet.

When opening, it shows only closed and invoiced jobs but this can be changed using the Status menu.


Status and Date Range Menus


3.  Change Which Columns Are Displayed

Use the "Settings" option on the menu to choose which columns to display.

Settings are per user and are retained for future sessions.


Up to around 12 columns are recommended for best display and performance.


4.  Job Status



The job has been scheduled with a "booked in" date but has not yet been activated.

If the job date on an active job is changed to a future date the status is updated to Pending.


Jobs are scheduled when creating jobs from Services Due, Service Requests, Checklists or Add Job


The job has been activated to commence using the "Pending>>Active" button in the job

Carried Forward

When a job is closed with incomplete requirements or parts not fitted, a carried forward job for outstanding work/parts will be created automatically if parameter 660 is ticked.  This ensures incomplete work is not forgotten.


The c/fwd job is dated for today by default and the Job Class/Type defaults based on Parameters>>Default Settings>>550/560.

Important: Do not create a Carried Forward job as a Service. Doing so may duplicate services and affect scheduling.


The job is complete and has been closed using the "Close Job" button the job.

If the job is a service, the service forecast is updated automatically when the job is closed


The job has been closed and subsequently invoiced.


Using buttons to change the status of the job


5.  Viewing an Asset's R&M History and Future Schedule

There are various ways to see work carried out on an asset.


5.1 R&M Tab in Fleet Module

Fleet>>Select Item>>Repair & Maintenance Tab

A quick reference of all jobs entered in R&M module for each asset.


Repair & Maintenance Tab in Fleet Module


5.2 Service Matrix Tab in Fleet Module

Fleet>>Select item>>Service Matrix Tab

A concise, non-editable view of services completed and future service forecast based on:


The asset's service regime

Utilisation and/or months

Last service date

Creep settings

Scheduling method (time/utilisation/both)


The matrix is updated automatically when:


New odometer readings are received

Service jobs are closed

Regimes or regimes details are changed e.g. service intervals


The information cannot be edited.  To change any details the original transaction must be updated to ensure data integrity.

The matrix does not include Programmed Services.


Service Matrix Tab in Fleet Module


5.3 Job List in R&M Module


For full details of an item's R&M history, in the R&M module:


Filter the list for the required asset using fleet number, registration, etc.

Select which Job statuses to include using the "Status" filter E.g. "Include Closed and Invoiced Jobs"

Click Apply


This will list all jobs for the asset. Use the column filters to drill down further.


Set the Job Statuses to Include




End of Chapter




































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