Repair, Maintenance, Checklist Information




For accurate service scheduling it is vital that jobs are closed when complete and that accurate odometers are recorded.

Closing a job triggers update of the service schedule.


1.  Setting Up an Asset's Servicing Details - Scheduled, Periodic and Checklists

Essential for Scheduling Services, Programmed Services and Checklists Module




Field Name


Further Details



Choose the service regime, usually the OEM regime.

Only regimes attached to the MMS in the MMS reference file can be selected.


AusFleet sets up all the services for the assets expected life based on this choice.

"No regime" means no service will be scheduled.

Also see:

Fleet Set Up

Service Matrix

Matrix Tab in Fleet

Next Regime Sequence


When adding an asset to the database, this defaults to the first service in the regime, either 0-Warranty Service or 1-First Service. Change here if this is incorrect E.g. if the asset is second hand. 


It updates automatically each time a service job is closed.

Service sequence numbers shown in Service Regime reference file

Forecast by time only

AusFleet will ignore any time-based sequence in the regime when scheduling and schedule by months only


Service Creep km/months

Defaults creep settings are set in the parameters and are applied to all assets when adding the the database to reduce data entry but can be changed here for individual assets


Creep dictates whether to schedule from last service or OEM scheduled date/odo.




See also:

What is Service Creep?


More>>Parameters>>Default Settings>>770/780


Programmed Service

Click the link to configure.


These are separate, time-scheduled services that run concurrently with Scheduled Services.


They are designed for condition checks, safety checks etc.


Assign one or more regimes, each of which can have multiple sequence points like a scheduled service but are normally simpler and exclude parts.


Create regimes in More>>Reference Files>>R&M>>Service Regimes and tick to make them available for programmed services

Reference Files>>Repair & Maintenance>>Service Regimes. Regime flagged for use as Programmed Service


Requires optional Checklist module.

Select applicable Checklist and frequency.

Pre-start:  Check is required every time the asset is used, to assist with NHVAS.

Periodic:   Check can be set by different time periods.


On first use, date of last Checklist to trigger the schedule. It then updates whenever a Checklist is completed


Reporting for pre-start and periodic is separated to maintain statistics for NHVAS.

See also:  Checklist Set Up and Checklist Module


2.  Viewing Past Services and Future Service Schedule

Fleet>>Service Matrix Tab


The service matrix is the assets service schedule with past and future services.

It does not include repair jobs or programmed services, only OEM Scheduled Services.


The Matrix is generated automatically for an assets expected life when a regime is allocated to it.

It then updates each time a service job is closed.


Scheduled Service Jobs Must Be Closed to Update the Future Schedule.  Accurate Odometers Are Essential.


If the asset is kept beyond its expected life, additional services are added automatically.


It uses asset utilisation , creep settings, service regime, kits and previous service information to forecast ahead.

Changes to regime, odometer, creep settings and job details automatically update the matrix.


The Service Matrix

See also:

Ensuring Accurate Service Scheduling

Understanding Scheduled Service Regimes


2.1 Changing Details in the Matrix

Changes cannot be made in the matrix directly.

To amend details of a job e.g. incorrect odometer, you must edit the job in R&M module

To amend the future schedule, you must edit the regime in R&M Reference Files

If you need to change the date of the next job, use the "Change Due Date" button in Services Due screen (Repair & Maintenance >>Services Due)


Change Due Date in R&M>>Services Due


3.  Viewing Repair & Maintenance History

Fleet>>Repair & Maintenance Tab


See also:  Viewing Past Services and Future Service Schedule


This is a list of all R&M jobs in AusFleet, for quick reference.


It shows:

Total ex-GST cost for all jobs

Total labour hours (from timesheets entered)

Total downtime (from downtime fields in internal jobs)






End of Chapter




































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