MMSB, Categories, Descriptions, Fuel, Environment & Safety




This section contains critical information relating to the asset. It is populated initially when adding assets to the database.


1.  Describing the Asset

Fleet>>MMSB, Categories and Flags>>Flags


Make Model Series (MMS)

The asset descriptor. Selections are controlled by the Fleet>>MMS reference file so only pre-configured make-model-series can be chosen.  Series is not mandatory.

See also: Fleet Set Up 

Body Type

Choose the body type from the Body Type reference file

Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet items>>Body Type

Fleet Type

Fleet Category

Vehicle Type

Classifications to assist reporting, filtering etc.

Fleet Type is usually the main classification.

Configure accordingly to your fleet type, diversity and reporting requirements.

More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items>>Fleet type...


Fleet Type: Light Fleet, Heavy Plant, Small Plant, Hand Tools.

Fleet Category: Required for Job, Discretionary, Grounds Maintenance, Construction.

Vehicle Type: Car, Bus, Plant & Equipment, Motorbike, Power Tools

Replacement Type

Essential for Replacement Budget Forecasting module.

Select appropriate type from the related reference file

See also:

 Budget Forecasting Set Up and Budget Forecasting module

Clock Type

Odometer, hour meter or none (e.g. trailers, chainsaws)

Choose the correct type for the asset to calculate utilisation, scheduling etc.

Fuel Type

Populated and edited in Physical Characteristics accordion but also shown in MMSB for information and easy access.


Used to validate fuel transactions.

See also:

Viewing/Editing Physical, Capacities and Engine

Fuel Reference Files

Fuel Module

Tool Flag

(in Flags tab)

Tick to indicate an item is a tool rather than a fleet item.  Useful where speciality tools or toolkits are used.

Tools are printed on job cards if Parameter 730 is ticked.

See also:

Adding Tools

Parent/Child Relationships

Link Type

Shown here based on what is entered in the Parent/Child Tab

See also:

Parent/Child Relationships

Sundry Item

Identifies small, non clock items such as power tools, which can be excluded from reports using report parameters



(in Flags Tab)

Tick assets on a temporary hire contract to manage them in AusFleet but exclude from reports using report parameters.



(in Flags Tab)

If not ticked, classed as a non-reporting asset and can be excluded from reports using report parameters.


GPS Name

(in Flags Tab)

For GPS interfaces, the GPS unit ID for data collection


See also More>>Parameters>>740 and 1160.

Engine/Chassis/Serial Numbers

For information only. VIN number search is available in Fleet module


Driving Licence Type



Internal Licence Type

The statutory, state licence required to drive/operate the asset. E.g. C class, Heavy Rigid.

Shares the reference file with Personnel.


The internal licence required to operate the asset

More>>Reference files>>Personnel>>Licences and Qualifications>>Driver Licence types

Minimum/Maximum Fuel Consumption

Used in Fuel Report for comparing actual fuel use to min/max range.

Useful for identifying poor driving habits or fuel theft


Decibel Readings

For information only



2.  Viewing/Editing Physical, Capacities and Engine 

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Physical Capacities & Engine Accordion


The majority of information in this accordion is for reference only and is not mandatory, with the following important exceptions:


Fuel Type

Fuel Tank Capacity

Both mandatory and used to validate fuel transactions

Fuel Consumption Min/Max

Used in the Fuel Consumption report for identifying "out of range" driving


Used in bookings to ensure correct vehicle choice


Manufacturer colour: The OEM colour name e.g. "Carbon Mica"

Eye colour:  A common description of the colour e.g. Silver


3.  Recording Environment & Safety Details (Environment & Safety tab)

Fleet>>MMSB, Categories and Flags>>Environment & Safety


The information is for reference only.

CO2 emission figure in this tab is not used in the Fuel/CO2 report. The report uses CO2 details in Fuel Type reference file.




End of Chapter




































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