Ownership, Location, Drivers, Debtors, Departmental Hierarchy




1.  Viewing/Editing Ownership, Driver Allocation, Debtor, Location Details

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Ownership & Allocation Accordion


This accordion contains important information affecting accruals and invoicing.

It is also where drivers are allocated to assets on a permanent/log term term basis.


Departments and debtors are fundamental to cost accruals, invoicing and reporting.


The following chapters are essential reading before proceeding:

Understanding Debtors, Debtor Types, Department Hierarchies

Adding/Editing Debtors, Debtor Types, Debtor Hierarchies


Ask AusFleet Help Desk for help if necessary.


2. Setting Up Department Hierarchy and Asset Owner

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Ownership Tab




The owner is the division of your organisation responsible for the asset.  It is the organisational "Owner" or "Customer" to which the item belongs and who would be responsible for running costs.


The Department set up is vital for cost accruals and invoicing.  Hierarchies (Department/Branch/Region etc) are created in Reference Files.


One Debtor can be attached to each hierarchy or multiple debtors can assigned to an asset as explained here


To see how to allocate multiple debtors to assets see below.


Expenses accrue to the Debtor and invoices are sent to the contact named at the Invoicing Level in the Department Hierarchy reference file.


Entering the Departmental Ownership For an Asset


3.  Location

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Ownership Tab




This is used for the asset's current location.

Use it to:

Set the assets normal location (E.g. Head Office, Depot B, Queensland)

Track temporary changes E.g. In workshop, interstate, grounded, fit out bay.


It's useful for tracking the asset through different stages


Head Office>>Grounded>>Head Office

NSW Regional Office>>Fit Out Bay>>Spray Booth>>Tyre Bay>>NSW Regional Office


See Location reference file for more information.


4.  Hire Pool

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Ownership Tab


Essential For Hire Bookings


The Hire Pool to which the item belongs if the item is available for hire. 

Shown here for convenience, it is also shown in MMSB, Categories and Flags accordion with other hire settings .


People can only see and book assets that are in their Hire Pool. People are assigned to Hire Pools in Personnel module.


See also:

Booking and Hire Details in Fleet Module

Hire Module

Personnel Module


5. Garage Address

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Ownership Tab




Where the item is garaged. For information only.


6.  Charge Code



Charge codes are a reference file, created in More>>Reference Files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items>>Charge Codes.




A charge code can be allocated to the asset here and this is added to every R&M job carried out for that asset.

It can then be used for R&M analysis.


7.  Allocating Multiple Debtors to an Asset


This tab only appears if multiple debtors are used (see Debtors Set Up).


Select the asset's debtors in the right pane. When saved they will be shown in the left pane.


The % is the ratio by which expenses will be allocated and the total must = 100%.


The applicable date is the date from which the allocation will apply.


The default debtor is the one that will be used to populate Debtor fields in AusFleet but it does not affect expense allocation.


8.  Viewing the Assets Debtor History

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Debtors History Tab


A record of changes to the asset's allocated debtors for review/audit purposes.



9.  Allocating a Driver to the Asset

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Item Allocation Tab




The Driver, operator or custodian of the item - a person not a department.


An asset can only be allocated to one person at a time

Enter a Return date/time before reallocating

Assets can also be allocated in the Personnel module. Each option updates the other


10.  Recording Fuel Card Information 

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Fuel Cards Tab




For reference purposes only, not used to validate fuel transactions

Optionally enter a request date if the card is on order and tick Valid when it arrives

Other dates help to track the card if it is lost, damaged or renewed


11.  Employee Contributions Towards a Vehicle

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>Employee Contribution Tab




If the employee contributes to the cost of the item, details may be added here.

The amount is the total contribution between the start and end dates, within one FBT year


12. Allocating and Transferring eToll Tags

Fleet>>Ownership & Allocation>>eTag History Tab


Essential for Tolls module


Requires optional Tolls module.


Used when importing Toll supplier transaction files.

Tags can also be allocated to items in the Tolls module and each option updates the other.


Choose the tag supplier and tag number (tag numbers must be entered in the Tolls module first)

Enter an "unallocated" date before reallocating to another vehicle

Inactive flag is set in the Tolls module and indicates the tag is out of use (e.g. defective/lost)


13.  Ownership Type

Fleet>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle




This describes how the asset was acquired E.g. Leased, Purchased, Hire Purchase.


If Ownership Type is flagged as a lease type in Ownership reference file, the Leasing accordion becomes available. Asset cannot be disposed while a lease is active.


If an asset is retained after the lease ends, changing Ownership Type to "Ex-lease" will retain access to the lease details but exclude the item from reporting.





End of Chapter




































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