Purchase, Disposal, Lifecycle and Status




1.  Purchase and Replacement Information

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion


There are important fields in the category, particularly delivery date/km and replacement details.


2.  Entering Purchase Price

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




Click the "Purchase Price" label to open the pop window right and enter breakdown of purchase costs.

The total will be shown in the Purchase Price field.


An "Alternative FBT price" can be entered in the breakdown if the default price is not correct for FBT purposes.


Price Breakdown Window


3. Delivery Date and Odometer

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




Essential and must be entered accurately. They affect scheduling, forecasting, reporting and other date validations.


4.  Selecting the Ownership Type

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




If Ownership Type is flagged as a lease type in Ownership reference file, the Leasing accordion becomes available.


Asset cannot be disposed while a lease is active.


If an asset is retained after the lease ends, changing Ownership Type to "Ex-lease" will retain access to the lease details but exclude the item from reporting.


5.  Retirement Method/Expected Life

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




Essential for replacement/disposal scheduling and for  the Replacement Budget Forecast module


Choose whether you will dispose the asset based on its age, utilisation or both. If both, AusFleet forecasts disposal date based on which ever occurs first.


Disposal date by utilisation is forecast based on delivery date/odometer plus daily utilisation, which is updated whenever an odometer is entered in AusFleet.


The Target Replacement Date shown here is based on delivery date + months. It does not reflect utilisation.  For forecasting based on actual utilisation, use the "Due For" report in Reports module.


6.  Warranty Details

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




A warning is generated in R&M module for repairs required before the warranty expiry date.


7.  Replacement Date

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




An optional field used if disposal date is insufficient for your needs.


8.  Replaces Fleet Item

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




Here you can record the asset that has been replaced by the current one.


The detail is used in the Fleet Changeover Report


Use the "Show disposed" flag to choose a disposed asset.


9.  Recovery/Replacement Values

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




Used in the Replacement Forecast reporting.


The Replacement Budget Forecast module does not use these values, instead it relies on the depreciation/inflation figures in the related reference file for greater accuracy.


10.  Disposal Flag & Details

Fleet>>Details Tab>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle Accordion




This information is shown here for easy access but is entered and edited in the Status and Disposals tab and must be edited there.  It is shown here to complete the lifecycle information.


Failure to dispose assets in the system will result in difficult system operation, poor reporting results and slower performance by loading unnecessary data.


11.  Changing Status and Disposing Assets

Fleet>>Status & Disposals Tab


This tracks the vehicle through its life cycle and records number of disposal attempts, highest and latest bids/offers


Not all statuses have to be applied E.g. An item can go from In Service to Disposed


Number of sale attempts increases each time the status is changed from "Available to Sale" to "Allocate to Sale"


Assets with an active lease in Fleet>>Leasing cannot be disposed.


For details on how to use this tab, see "How to Dispose Assets and Change Status"





End of Chapter




































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