How to Dispose Assets and Change Status




There are seven statuses to apply to assets through their life cycle.  Not all have to be used.


"In Service" and "Disposed" are the minimum required.


When changing status, tick the flag and enter the date from which the status applies.


You can revert to a previous status by removing the flag and date and saving.


Status and Disposal Tab


1.  On Order

When adding a new asset, it can be added as "On Order", "In Service" or "Commissioning".


If added as On Order before taking delivery, using a provisional delivery date, when the status is updated to In Service, tick the "Use as Delivery Date" flag to change to asset's delivery date to the one entered as "In Service" date.

Delivery date is a very important field in AusFleet as it is used for scheduling and utilisation.


2. Commissioning

If vehicles go through a commissioning process e.g. applying decals, fitting specialist equipment, radios etc., the "Commissioning" status can be used.

At this status, a standard form commissioning sheet can be printed using the button. The form is configured in Templates.


3.  In Service

Assets must be set to this status when they go into normal service.

To change the delivery date if the asset to the date entered here, tick the "Use as Delivery Date" flag.

Delivery date is a very important field in AusFleet as it is used for scheduling and utilisation.


4.  Decommissioning

If assets go through a decommissioning process to prepare them for sale when they reach the end of their life (e.g. valeting, equipment removal), use this status to record the date.

At this status, a standard form decommissioning sheet can be printed using the button. The form is configured in Templates.


5.  Available For Sale

This is the date that the asset leaves active service, after decommissioning, and is available for disposal but an auction date is not available.

It indicates the asset is out of normal use but still part of the fleet.

At this status, vehicles are sometimes used as pool vehicles pending sale.


6.  Allocate to Sale

Used when an auction date is known. 

At this status, items temporarily used as pool vehicles may be brought back, ready for sale.


When the status date is saved, the link opens a pop up where details on the left can be entered.


Parameter 670 can be set to stop all R&M jobs from being invoicing as soon as an asset is moved to "Allocated to Sale" or is disposed. More>>Parameters>>Settings>>670


6.1 Sale Condition and Disposal Method

These are chosen from More>>Reference files>>Fleet>>Fleet Items.


6.2 Market Price, Valuation and Reserve Price

These can be reassessed and changed if disposal is unsuccessful


6.3 Delete accruals not invoiced

If the asset has accrued any costs that have not been invoiced, the invoices can be cancelled. The accrued expenses are not cancelled and remain part of the asset's running cost.


6.4 No of Accruals/Invoices

Shows how many accruals and invoices are in the system to help decide whether to cancel them.


6.5 Sale Registration

If the vehicles registration is to be sold it can be entered here.


6.6 No of Sale Attempts, Last Bid, Highest Bid

Sale attempts increases each time the status is changed from "Available for Sale to "Allocate to Sale", reflecting vehicles being sent to auction and returned unsold.

Last Bid is the bid entered in the pop up window accessed using the "Allocate to Sale" link.

Highest Bid is the highest figure entered in the bid field in the pop up.

The information can help assess whether reserve or valuation is too high.


7. Sale Result  - Disposed

Assets with an active lease cannot be disposed. Lease end date is set in Fleet>>Leasing accordion and is shown in the screen above, for reference.


Sale results can be entered with no GST if appropriate.


Parameter 80 can be set so that a message appears whenever an asset is disposed.  The message can be configured in More>>Parameters>>Settings>>80


Parameter 670 can be set to stop all R&M jobs from being invoicing as soon as an asset is moved to "Allocated to Sale" or is disposed. More>>Parameters>>Settings>>670


Disposed assets are removed from default views throughout the system but can be displayed using the relevant flags in each module.


Some transactions can be added for disposed assets E.g. fuel transactions which are received from suppliers after disposal date. Menus have a "Show disposed Items" flag where this is possible.


Disposal details are also shown for reference in Fleet>>Purchase & Disposal Life Cycle but they must be edited in the Status tab.

Disposal details in

Fleet>>Purchase & Disposal Lifecycle















End of Chapter




































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