How to Add/Remove Users




See also: Personnel Module, Personnel Module Set Up, User Rights


1. Adding a New User

The easiest way is to use the icon:

1.1 Minimum Required Information

The icon allows a user to be created quickly with the minimum information required

The flags on the right below are very important and should be reviewed and set according to the person's role and system use

More information can be added afterwards in the Personnel module

After adding the persons user name and email address in the form below, they can request a password using the "Request/Reset password" link on the log on page


For a full explanation of the fields below or if you need to add more user information, go to the Personnel chapter.


2.  User Rights

More>>User Rights


When adding a new user you also need to allocate User Rights to them to grant access to parts of AusFleet they will use.


Allocating User Rights means users only see the modules and functionality that are relevant to their role.

Users can also be restricted from performing certain tasks e.g. deleting records, issuing parts, if they are not granted certain rights.


2.1 Maximum Licensed User Count

Generally, if someone is given a user right to access AusFleet, they are classed as a licensed user and count towards your Maximum Licensed User Count.

However, there are some Rights that can be granted without affecting your user count.

These are listed here.


In the "Add User" screen above, you can allocate "Groups" of Rights.  This makes it easier than having to allocate every individual right to every person.

Groups are created in the User Rights module. 



Inventory Group containing all Inventory Rights

Mechanics Group containing all rights that mechanics need to manage their jobs but excluding parts issues or purchase order creation

Administrator Group containing all rights to all licensed modules, for top level AusFleet users.


3.  Hire Pools

Only useful if you use the Hire Pool Booking module.


Assets which are available for bookings can be allocated to "Hire Pools" in Fleet>>MMSB Categories and Flags

AusFleet users can be allocated to "Hire Pools" in Personnel module

As a result, people can only see and book assets in their  Hire Pool


Hire Pools are created in Hire Reference Files.


4.  Removing Users

Locate the person in the Personnel module and open their details.

Then either:


Tick the "Suppress" flag.  This will prevent them from logging no and allow their licence to be used for someone else


Enter a termination date in the Personnel record if they have left the organisation. This ticks the Suppress flag automatically.








End of Chapter




































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