Booking and Hire Details




1.  Setting Up Pool Car/Hire Booking Details

Fleet>>MMSB, Categories and Flags>>MMSB


Essential for Assets Available for Hire Bookings


Available for Hire Flag

Tick to make the asset is available for bookings E.g. Pool cars

See also:

Hire Bookings FAQs

Hire Bookings Set Up

Hire Bookings Module

Hire Pool

Hire Pool is mandatory for all hire items. People only see assets in the Pools allocated to them in Personnel module.

Hire Vehicle Type

Describes the asset for easy identification when booking.  It is linked to a Hire Profile which sets booking charges and availability times.

Hire Profile

Defaults based on the Hire Vehicle Type above.  Hire profile sets charges and availability times of items for hire

Monthly Hire Charge

For asset available only for open ended bookings (e.g. Plant Hire), the default monthly hire charge can be changed. This is billed per month or part of month for the duration of the booking.

Key Location/Number

Used for Key Cabinet Interfaces

Key Cabinet


End of Chapter




































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