Making Bookings




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Open Ended Bookings

Back Dated Bookings

Standard Bookings via Calendar or Icon

Booking via AusFleet App (Different Chapter)

Manager Booking Approvals

Manual or Automatic Pick up And Return



1.  Making Open Ended Bookings


Designed for plant and equipment hire, these are bookings which continue indefinitely with no end date and are invoice monthly based on a flat monthly charge.

They can only be made by administrators with User Right 40.11 i.e. AusFleet licensed users.


The monthly charge is levied in full for each calendar month or part thereof


Only assets with a Hire Profile flagged as "Open Ended" can be booked in this way.


1. Select "Add Open Ended/Backdated Bookings" option in the Hire menu

2.Tick the "Open Ended" flag and enter details. The return date is inactive and only items with an "Open Ended' profile are displayed

3.To terminate an Open Ended Booking, locate the transaction in the main Booking tab and enter an end date


Making an Open Ended Booking


2.  Making Back-Dated Bookings


Backdated bookings can only be made by administrators with User Right 40.11 using the "Add Open Ended/Backdated Bookings" link in the Hire menu (see image above).

Complete the form without ticking the Open Ended flag and remember to save your booking.


3.  Making Standard Bookings Using Calendar or Icon


Bookings can be made in three ways:

Hire Calendar in the Hire Module

"Add Booking" Icon

AusFleet Booking App (see relevant chapter)

Booking Icon

User Right 40.01 is required to access calendar and icon - this is a non-licensed User Right


Bookings via icon or calendar use the same booking screen but vehicle details are preselected when using the calendar.



Click on the icon to open booking screen and enter vehicle type, dates, times and other requirements (see step 1).


Click on the booking start date for your chosen vehicle in the calendar.


Complete details in the booking form...


Step 1 - Enter Basic Requirements



Step 2 - Choose Preferred Vehicle



Step 3 - Enter Additional Information


See Hire Parameters for options to control these fields


Step 4 - Confirm Booking or Amend Details




On Booking Confirmation:

Emails are generated as per Hire Parameters and if email addresses are entered in Personnel module.

Hire Calendar is updated.

Transaction is available to administrators  in Hire>>Bookings tab.

Manager receives approval request if Approvals are used (see below).

Booking status is Pending (if approval required) or Booked.

Driver can view booking in History tab, Calendar and App.


4.  Booking Approval Process (Optional)


AusFleet offers an optional approval process for hire bookings, whereby the driver's manager must approve the booking before it proceeds.


4.1 Approval Process Overview:



4.2 Approval Process Requirements


1.Parameter 160 must be ON

2.Parameter 230 selects whether a reason for booking is mandatory or optional (see step 3 above). A reason for booking may help approval decisions.

3.The driver's manager must be included in the driver's Personnel details.

4.The manager's email address must be included in their own Personnel details

5.The email server details must be entered in Hire Parameters (AusFleet Help Desk can assist with these settings)

6.Configurable email templates are available in Templates


4.3 Approving Bookings


1.When the manager receives the email request to approve, they click on the link in the email.

2.This takes them to AusFleet, where they are presented with the booking requiring their approval which has the status "Pending".

3.They review booking details and click on "Approve" or "Cancel" buttons.

4.The driver is notified of the decision by email and the booking status is updated to "Booked" or "Cancelled".


5. Manual Pick Up and Return

More>>Parameters>>Flags and Settings>>180 and 190


Parameter 190 is OFF:

AusFleet assumes the pick up/drop off times are correct and updates booking status accordingly. No action is required by the driver.


Parameter 190 is ON:

Driver must click "Pick Up" and "Return" buttons in the booking screen or AusFleet App to start and stop the booking.


If 190 is ON, 180 can control whether charges are based on booked times and actual pick up and return times.


See also:

Key Cabinet if you use the optional Key Cabinet Interface

Booking App


Return Button in Booking App, Booking Details.

Pick up Return Buttons in Booking History List accessed via Icon.




End of Chapter




































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